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Editing area


The editing area—or editor—is the fundamental part of the UI where you manage the contents of rule files, test files, scripts and other project files.


The figure above shows its main elements:

  1. Current file scroll-bar
  2. Current file info bar
  3. Current file gutter
  4. File tabs
  5. Typos indicator

When no file is open, the editor area shows shortcuts and instructions.


In addition to normal operation, the scroll bar has additional functions that depend on the type of active file.
For example, it may contain graphic markers and contextual menus for reporting and correcting errors. IntelliJ IDEA, in fact, can continuously inspect the files and check their syntax.

Info bar

This bar, when present, shows useful information based on the type of file. For example, for a test file, it shows the offset of the file cursor relative to the file size, if the file is validated and if targets have been set for categorization or extraction, it shows, after an analysis, the values of the quality indicators in terms of precision and recall.


The gutter shows line numbers.
The context menu allows setting bookmarks and script breakpoints, with or without mnemonics. Also mouse clicks allow setting breakpoints in scripting files.


Tabs can be dragged to change their position and can be closed with their "X" button.
Each tab has a contextual menu with commands that act on the tabs—to close, split, reposition and pin them—or on the files they contain.

Typos indicator

Here it is displayed the number of possible typos and the next and previous arrows. It is available for .txt files only.

Context menu

Text file context menu Rule file context menu
cm1.png cm2.png

Here follows the list of Studio specific commands for context menus.

Name Description
Annotate Section Annotate the selected text as belonging to a chosen section
Annotate Category Set a categorization target for the file
Annotate Extraction Set an extraction target for the selected text
Search into Knowledge Graph Perform a search in the Knowledge Graph tool window using the selected text as the search criteria
Search into Knowledge Graph Search Perform a search in the Knowledge Graph Search tool window using the selected text as the search criteria
Open related annotation file Open the corresponding .ann file from the ann folder
Open results JSON Open the corresponding .ctx file from the gen folder
Open disambiguation JSON Open the corresponding .dis file from the gen folder
Insert categorization rule template Insert sample categorization rules at the cursor position
Insert extractions rule template Insert sample extraction rules at the cursor position
Insert tag rule template Insert a sample tag rule at the cursor position
Insert rule from Semantic Analysis Insert a rule with a multiple selection on tiles
Prepare Selection Pre-process
Analyze Document Perform the analysis of the file
Insert Rule Labels Assign label to the file's rules

If a test file is modified, a notification appears at the top of the editing area.

Analyze starts the file analysis.