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Disambiguation Info

After an analysis operation, this tool window shows additional information derived from the output of the disambiguator that does not already appear in the Semantic Analysis tool window.


The disambiguator is the fundamental software component behind every text intelligence engine designed with Studio. The disambiguator takes its name from its ability to identify the correct meaning of ambiguous terms (disambiguation) leveraging its knowledge graph, but this is only the latest in a series of interconnected document analysis activities that include:

  • Text subdivision
  • Part-of-speech tagging
  • Morphological analysis
  • Lemmatization
  • Syntactic analysis
  • Semantic analysis
  • Key elements extraction
  • Named entity recognition

The window contains the context bar and these panels accessible by tabs:

  • Standard Domains
  • Relevant Information
  • Entities
  • Actions (SAO)


If Entities and Actions (SAO) tabs show the following alert:

Avdanced Disambiguation Info is disabled in settings

it is possible to enable advanced information display in the Studio Settings window, selecting General and setting Enable Advanced Disambiguation Info to true.

Advanced information will be available after the next document analysis.

The status bar shows the number of items.

A context menu is available on the file name:

Name Description
Copy File name Copy the file name
Copy File full path Copy the file full path

Standard Domains

This panel shows the outcome of the categorization performed by the disambiguator alone.


This type of categorization must not be confused with the activation of project's categorization rules. Disambiguator categorization is independent from rules and returns pre-defined knowledge domains (hence the term "standard") from the knowledge graph.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Search box Search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Select the next result matched by the search criteria
Funnel Toggle Irrelevant Domains Hide or display domains that were considered non-relevant by the disambiguator

Column headers can be clicked to change the sort order of the results.

The most relevant domains are highlighted.

Context menu commands are:

Name Description
Copy Domain "XXXX" Copy the domain name to the clipboard.
Copy all Domains Copy all domain names to the clipboard.
Copy Relevant Domains Copy the names of the relevant domains to the clipboard.
Create a rule on domain "XXXX" and copy to clipboard Create and copy to the clipboard a rule outline. The command has a sub-menu listing possible rule scopes: the rule outline has the scope specified using the sub-menu and the domain as its scope constraint.
Create a rule on domain "XXXX" and insert into current rule file Like Create a rule on domain "XXXX" and copy to clipboard, but the rule outline is added to the current rule file instead of being copied to the clipboard.

An example of the rule outline that can be created with Create a rule on domain "XXXX" and copy to clipboard is:



where XXXX is the name of the domain and SENTENCE is the scope chosen from the command's sub-menu.

Relevant Information

This panel shows the key elements that the disambiguator extracted from the text.

Key elements are shown in a tree view—initially collapsed—each branch of which corresponds to a group of elements of the same type.

Type Description
SYNCON Concepts from the knowledge graph
LEMMA Dictionary base forms
SENTENCE Sentences
COMPOUND TERM Groups of two or more consecutive words detected as collocations
DOMAIN Relevant domains from the knowledge graph, the same that are highlighted in the Standard Domains panel.

Each first-level row has expand/collapse controls to show or hide details. The number after the name is the count of elements of that type.

In the expanded view, the Score column shows the numerical indication of relevance for the element while—only for syncons and lemmas—the Count column shows the number of occurrences of the element in the text.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Expand all Collapse all Expand All and Collapse All Expand or collapse all the branches of the tree
Search box Search criteria
Reset Reset the search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Display the results matching the search criteria in the Find Results tool window

Context menus

There are two types of context menu:

  • For information types
  • For elements of the expanded view

The context menu for information types has these commands:

Name Description
Copy All Relevant Information Copy all the information to the clipboard in a tab-separated format
Copy All Relevant Information of Type "XXXX" Copy all current type information to the clipboard in a tab-separated format

The context menu for elements in the expanded view has these commands:

Name Description
View Syncon in Knowledge Graph (Only for syncons) Open the Knowledge Graph tool window to show the syncon together with the other syncons that are linked to it
Find lemma in Knowledge Graph Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and perform a search using the lemma
Copy Base Form Copy the base form to the clipboard
Copy Syncon ID (Only for syncons) Copy the syncon ID to the clipboard
Copy Sentence (only for sentences) Copy the sentence to the clipboard

Mouse commands

Only for syncons, a double-click opens the Knowledge Graph to show the syncon together with the other syncons that are linked to it.


This panel shows named entities that were recognized in the text.

Information is shown in a tree view—initially collapsed—each branch of which corresponds to a group of entities of the same type.

Each first-level row has expand/collapse controls to show or hide details. The number after the name is the count of elements per type.

The expanded view for a type shows the entities of that type. The Count column shows the number of mentions of the entity in the text.

If advanced information display is enabled, entities rows can be further expanded to reveal their properties.
Numbers preceded by a hash sign are syncon IDs. Heuristically recognized entities do not exist in the knowledge graph, so they have no syncon ID.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Expand all Collapse all Expand All and Collapse All Expand or collapse all the branches
Search box Search criteria
Reset Reset the search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Display the results matching the search criteria in the Find Results tool window

Context menus

There are two types of context menu:

  • For entity types
  • For elements of the expanded view

The context menu for information types has these commands:

Name Description
Copy All Entities Copy summary information for all the entities to the clipboard as a list of tab-separated values
Copy All Entities of Type "XXXX" Copy summary information for all the entities of a given type to the clipboard as a list of tab-separated values, right-click an entity type and select

The context menu for single elements in the expanded view has these commands:

Name Description
View Syncon in Knowledge Graph (Only for syncons) Open the Knowledge Graph tool window to show the syncon together with the other syncons that are linked to it
Find lemma in Knowledge Graph Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and perform a search using the lemma
Copy Base Form Copy the base form to the clipboard
Copy Syncon ID (Only for syncons) Copy the syncon ID to the clipboard

Mouse commands

Double-clicking syncon IDs displays the corresponding syncon in the Knowledge Graph tool window.

Actions (SAO)

This panel is available only if the Enable Advanced Disambiguation Info configuration property is set to true.
It shows full and partials subject-action-complement groups detected in the text. Partial groups always have at least the action.

Information is shown in a tree view—initially collapsed—each branch of which corresponds to a group.

Each first-level row has expand/collapse controls to show or hide details. In rows' text group components are separated by a pipe (|).
The expanded view shows the components of the group.

These symbols are used in the expanded view:

Icon Description
S Subject
A Action
O Object
Blue circle Other complements

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Expand all Collapse all Expand All and Collapse All Expand or collapse all the branches
Search box Search criteria
Reset Reset Reset the search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Display the results matching the search criteria in the Find Results tool window

Context menus

There are two types of context menu:

  • For groups
  • For components in the expanded view

The context menu for groups has these commands:

Name Description
Find lemma in Knowledge Graph Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and perform a search using the action's lemma
Copy SAO Copy the group to the clipboard as a pipe separated list
Copy Base Form Copy the action's base form to the clipboard
Copy Syncon ID Copy the action's syncon ID to the clipboard

The context menu for single components in the expanded view has these commands:

Name Description
View Syncon in Knowledge Graph (Only for syncons) Open the Knowledge Graph tool window to show the syncon together with the other syncons that are linked to it
Find lemma in Knowledge Graph Open Knowledge Graph tool window and perform a search using the lemma
Copy Base Form Copy the base form to the clipboard
Copy Syncon ID (Only for syncons) Copy the syncon ID to the clipboard

Mouse commands

Double-clicking an item that has a syncon ID opens the corresponding syncon in the Knowledge Graph tool window. Double-clicking a group, the action's syncon is displayed in the Knowledge Graph tool window.