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Knowledge Graph Search

The Knowledge Graph Search tool window allows the user to navigate the knowledge graph to find syncons and lemmas that can then be copied to the current file inside the editor.

This tool window offers less functionality than Knowledge Graph, but takes up less space so it can be kept fully open along with the editor even with relatively small screens.

The tool window contains these panels:

  • Syncons
  • Collocations
  • Path Finder

The toolbar is the same for all panels.

Syncons panel

The Syncons panel allows the user to find syncons and copy their data to the cursor position inside the current rule file in the editor.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Go Back and Go Forward Go back and forth in the search history
Search box and list Specify the search criteria
Find Start a search
Match Case When activated, results must match the case of the search criteria

The Search box has an auto-complete feature that automatically suggests lemmas while you type. It also has a list showing the search history.

The Enter key can be used to start the search as alternative to the Find button.

Search results contain this information:

  • Syncon lemmas
  • Syncon identifier icon
  • Knowledge domains the syncon belongs to
  • Part-of-speech icon
  • Syncon definition
  • Syncon ID


In case of all project languages, the syncon definition will always be in English.

Parts-of-speech icons are:

Icon Part-of-speech
Proper noun

Lemmas that correspond to the search criteria are highlighted inside the results.

If there are many lemmas, the list is truncated and the number of items that are not displayed is shown at the end of the list prefixed by the plus sign (+).

Multiple selection is possible.

Double-click copies syncon ID and description to the editor.

The info bar shows the number of syncons.

The Commit button in the bottom toolbar copies ("commits") the selected syncons' ID and description to the editor.

Context menu commands are:

Name Description
View Syncon in Knowledge Graph Open the knowledge graph focused on the selected syncon
Copy All Lemmas Copy all the lemmas to the clipboard
Copy selected syncon ID Copy the ID of the selected syncon to the clipboard
Set as Syncon ID 1 in Path Finder Copy the ID of the selected syncon in the Syncon ID 1 field of the Path Finder panel
Set as Syncon ID 2 in Path Finder Copy the ID of the selected syncon in the Syncon ID 2 field of the Path Finder panel
Clear Clear the result pane

Collocations panel

The Collocations panel allows finding lemmas that are composed by two or more words and copying their data to the cursor position inside the current rules file in the editor.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Go Back and Go Forward Go back and forth in the search history
Search box and list Specify the search criteria
Find Start the search
Match Case When activated, results must match the case of the search criteria

The Search box has an auto-complete feature that automatically suggests lemmas while you type. It also has a list showing the search history.

The Enter key can be used to start the search as alternative to the Find button.

Search results are collocations matching the search criteria.

Multiple selection is possible.

Double-click copies the lemma to the editor.

The info bar shows the number of lemmas.

The Commit button in the bottom toolbar copies ("commits") selected lemmas to the editor.

Context menu commands are:

Name Description
Find lemma in Knowledge Graph Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and make a search using the lemma as search criteria
Copy all collocations Copy all the collocations to the clipboard
Copy selected collocations Copy the selected collocations to the clipboard
Clear Clear the result pane

Path Finder panel

The Path Finder panel allows you to find all the syncons between two given ones in the path along a given link in the knowledge graph.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Syncon ID 1 The ID of the first syncon
Syncon ID 2 The ID of the second syncon
Search Depth Maximum depth of path search for non-hierarchical links
Set Default Value Reset Search Deep to its default value
Link Knowledge graph link
View Syncon 1/View Syncon 2 Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and, if there is a syncon ID in the left field, it automatically performs a search based on that value
Find Start the search
Filter and Sort Toggle button: show and hide the number of all possible paths linking the syncons

The search results are all syncons found on the path between the syncons specified as search criteria, including those syncons.
In case of hierarchical links like supernomen/subnomen, the syncons are in hierarchical level order, the one at the highest level is at the top of the list.
Syncons are described by this information:

  • Lemmas
  • Syncon identifier icon
  • Knowledge domains the syncon belongs to
  • Part-of-speech icon
  • Syncon definition
  • ID, the identification number

The bottom info bar shows the syncon count in the path.

Bottom toolbar

The bottom toolbar contains:

  • Commit button
  • Current module indicator/selector

The Commit button copies ("commits") selected items' data to the cursor position inside the current rules file in the editor.


The Commit button is not present in the Path Finder panel.

The current module indicator/selector shows the language and the name of the current project module. It's a list that allows switching to another module to change the context of syncons and lemmas selection.