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Import an old project

Use this procedure when you have a project created with previous Studio versions and want to turn it into a new project.


You can import projects created with any version of Studio starting from 14.6.

  1. In the Welcome to Studio screen select Open.

  2. In Open File or Project select the folder containing the old project files and select OK.

If instead you are already working on a project:

  1. Select File > New > Project from Existing Sources.
  2. In Select File or Directory to Import select the folder containing the old project files and select OK. The Import Project dialog will appear.
  3. Select Import project from external model and select Next.
  4. In the Destination project section, set the location for the migrated project and the project name.


    With this procedure, a new folder containing the migrated project will be created.

  5. Use the Libraries section to manage your libraries. Select:

    • Add to add libraries.
    • One or more libraries (multiple selection with Ctrl-click is allowed) and select Remove to remove libraries from the list.
    • Remove all to remove all libraries.


    You can't select single documents but only folders.

  6. In the Options section, select:

    • Update Knowledge Graph format to update the old project knowledge graph to the latest disambiguator version.


    If this option is not checked, some features of the knowledge graph, like its extension and patch, are not available.


    • Replace Knowledge Graph libraries and edit rule files accordingly to update the knowledge graph to its latest version and perform a remap of syncons and lemmas between the two versions. Consequently, rule and list files are edited based on this remap.
  7. Select Create.

At the end of the procedure, in case of both options, two .md files will appear:

  • A containing the report of the operation, including automatic applied changes and changes to perform manually, and any errors.
  • A with details about the UTF-8 encoding of the project files.

In case of the second option, a will also appear. This file reports all changes applied to the knowledge graph in terms of lemmas and syncons.


The and will be stored in the migration sub-folder of the reports folder.

Also, Studio automatically builds the new project. The result is documented in the Console and in the Notifications tool windows.