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Configuration properties

Studio configuration properties are described below. Configuration properties are managed with the Studio Settings window.
These are extra properties compared to those of IntelliJ IDEA.

When you modify a property value, its name turns bold. Select Set Default Value to restore the default value.


Some changes in settings take effect after closing and reopening the project.

Group: General

Group-level properties

This group has its own properties in addition to those of its sub-groups:

Property Description
Regional Settings Numbers are formatted differently according to the user language. For example, setting it to English or Italian, numbers will use different decimal and thousand separators.
Build at Startup Toggles the automatic build of project modules whenever a project is opened.
Enable Advanced Disambiguation Info Toggles the display of additional disambiguation information, for example in the Entities and the Actions (SAO) tabs of the Disambiguation Info tool window.
Enable Debug Info for single file analysis Toggles the display of debug information in the Statistics tool window when analyzing a single document.
Enable Debug Info for files analyses Toggles the display of debug information in the Statistics tool window when analyzing multiple documents.
Show all decimal digits in extraction scores When set to true, it shows all decimal digits of extraction confidence scores. The effect of this parameter is only visible in the XXXX.txt.ctx.json.gz file.
Show Build Statistics after Build Toggles the automatic opening of the Console tool window, with the Build tab pre-selected, after each build operation.
Syncon Color Color used for syncon IDs1.
Lemma Color Color used for lemma markers, for example in the Pinned Syncons and Lemmas panel of the Knowledge Graph tool window.
Max number of Syncon IDs This property affects the display of syncon IDs when a knowledge graph concept has more than one of them. For example, in the Semantic Analysis tool window, it determines the maximum number of syncon IDs that are shown in the tiles of the text elements layer when Toggle Syncon Multiple IDs is on.

Sub-group: Editor

Property Description
Lemma completion min chars Set the number of characters after which smart completion is activated for the LEMMA attribute
Sentence color Color used to highlight sentences in the test file that's current inside the editor. Sentence highlighting takes place when the user selects an output item in a tool window, for example a category in the Categorization tool window, an extraction in the Extraction tool window and so on.
Sentence color (dark theme) Like Sentence color when dark mode is activated
Hit color Color used to highlight hits in the test file that's current inside the editor. Hits highlighting takes place when the user selects an output item in a tool window, for example a category in the Categorization tool window, an extraction in the Extraction tool window and so on.
Hit color (dark theme) Like Hit color when dark mode is activated
Segment Color 1 First color used to highlight segments in the test file opened in the editor. Segment highlighting takes place when the user selects an output item in the Segments tool window.
Segment Color 1 (dark theme) Like Segment Color 1 when dark mode is activated
Segment Color 2 Second color used to highlight segments in the test file opened in the editor. Useful for a segment defined by more rules and two colors alternate each other for a better visibility of the textual segments. Select the segment name to see both colors.
Segment Color 2 (dark theme) Like Segment Color 2 when dark mode is activated
True Positive Color Color used to highlight true positives in the test file that's current inside the editor. True positive highlighting takes place when the user selects an annotated output item in a tool window, for example a category in the Categorization tool window, an extraction in the Extraction tool window and so on.
True Positive Color (dark theme) Like True Positive Color when dark mode is activated
False Positive Color Color used to highlight false positives in the test file that's current inside the editor. False positive highlighting takes place when the user selects an annotated output item in a tool window, for example a category in the Categorization tool window, an extraction in the Extraction tool window and so on.
False Positive Color (dark theme) Like False Positive Color when dark mode is activated
False Negative Color Color used to highlight false negatives in the test file that's current inside the editor. False negative highlighting takes place when the user selects an annotated output item in a tool window, for example a category in the Categorization tool window, an extraction in the Extraction tool window and so on.
False Negative Color (dark theme) Like False Negative Color when dark mode is activated

Sub-group: Document Layout Viewer

Property Description
Enable Document Layout Viewer Enable or disable the Document Layout Viewer.
Canvas border color Set the color of the selected layout blocks.
Show Ids Display the blocks Ids.
Show colors Show the blocks colors depending on their nature, for example tables, headers, footers, headings and so on.
Show blocks Show the block areas.
Show word blocks Show the words outlined by a box.

Sub-group: Commit

Property Description
Comment Syncon on Commit Toggles the insertion of auto-generated comments in the source code where the user commits items from the Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Graph Search tool windows.

Sub-group: Knowledge Graph Manager

Property Description
Show Arabic Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Arabic knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show German Knowledge Graph Default visibility of German knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show English Knowledge Graph Default visibility of English knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Spanish Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Spanish knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show French Knowledge Graph Default visibility of French knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Italian Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Italian knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Japanese Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Japanese knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Korean Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Korean knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Dutch Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Dutch knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Portuguese Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Portuguese knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Russian Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Russian knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.
Show Chinese Knowledge Graph Default visibility of Chinese knowledge graph in the list of available knowledge graphs when creating a new project module.

Sub-group: Platform Profiles

This sub-group lists all the defined Platform profiles.

Toolbar commands:

Icon Command Description
Add Platform Profile Open the window in which you can add a Platform profile
Edit Platform Profile description Edit a Platform profile description
Delete Platform Profile Delete a Platform profile

To edit a Platform profile description you can also double-click the profile in the list.

When you select Add Platform Profile , you have to enter a unique description for the profile (max. 50 characters) and the profile key you can get inside the Platform's authoring application.

Select Paste from clipboard to paste the profile key copied from Platform.


You can create up to five Platform profiles.

Sub-group: Analysis

Property Description
Analyze max text size Text size, 500 KB by default, up to 2 MB
Number of CPU Cores to use during analysis Number of CPU cores to use to speed up the analysis time
Notification Sound Notification sound after an analysis is over. False by default

The text size for the first parameter is expressed in byte. The recommended amount of CPU cores to use is calculated as follows:

PC's available cores - 2

Group: Tool Windows

Sub-group: Categorization

The properties in this sub-group affect the Categorization tool window.

Property Description
Show Compound column in categories tree Toggles the display of the Compound column in the left panel of the tool window.
Show All Categories Enables or disables the return of loser categories shown in the left panel of the tool window.


If Show All Categories is set to true, you can use Toggle D Hit Categories Visibility (on by default) to turn on and off the display of loser categories.

Sub-group: Semantic Analysis

The properties in this sub-group affect the Semantic Analysis tool window.

Property Description Button color/icon
Sentence Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Sentence Tiles toolbar button.
Clause Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Clause Tiles toolbar button.
Phrase Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Phrase Tiles toolbar button.
Logic Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Logic Tiles toolbar button.
Tags Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Tags Tiles button.
Syncon IDs Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Syncon Ids toolbar button.
Syncon Multiple IDs Tile Toggle Button pressed Default status of the Toggle Syncon Multiple Ids toolbar button.
Expand tiles to fit container When true, the tiles in the left panel are resized to fill the available space.
Sentence color Sentence layer tile color.
Clause color Clause layer tile color.
Phrase color Phrase layer tile color.
Logic color Logic layer tile color.
Tags color Tag layer tile color
Word color Word layer tile color.
Atom color Atom layer tile color.
Text color Text elements layer tile color.
Highlighted color Highlighted tile color.
Scope Set the default scope.

Sub-group: Knowledge Graph

Property Description
Close dialog after Commit When true, the tool windows gets closed after every commit.

Sub-group: Debugger

Property Description
Debugger Port TCP/IP port used by the debugger to connect to the scripting engine.

Sub-group: Classes

Property Description
Highlight nodes with zero annotations Highlight category with zero annotation in the Taxonomy tool window.
Highlight only leaves in tree Highlight only leaves in the taxonomy tree.
Refresh Classes Counters after the build Automatically refresh the rules and annotations counters after a build operation

Sub-group: Local Deployment Agent

Property Description
** Port** TCP/IP port used by the Local Deployment Agent to connect to the API.

Sub-group: Report

Property Description
** Analysis report desc from** Report description label from Module name or Folder name

Group: Project

Sub-group: Quality

The first property of this sub-group allows you to set the matching strategy for each analysis of selected documents or all documents.

The other properties of this subgroup represent target values for as many quality indicators.
These values are used in the Report tool window when an analysis report is displayed. In particular, the target value determines whether or not to display the check mark—which indicates that the target value has been reached or exceeded—in the columns corresponding to by-file quality indicators.

Property Description
Annotation Matching Strategy The strategy used to match the resulting categories and extractions with their corresponding annotations. Available options are:
- Strict (default)
- Ignore value
- Ignore position
Target reached color Set the displayed information color if the target is reached
Precision target Target precision. (85% by default)
Recall target Target recall. (85% by default)
F-Measure target Target F-Measure. (85% by default)

To see the edited values during your next report, close and reopen the project.

Matching strategies are already described in Platform documentation.

Group: Rules

Sub-group: Label

The properties of this sub-group determine the format of the labels that are attributed to the rules when choosing the Insert Rule Labels command from the context menu while editing a rules source file.

Property Description
Template for generated labels Rule label structure. It can be:
- Project + Random chars + Counter: project name plus random alphanumeric characters plus a rule counter.
- Module + Random chars + Counter: module name plus random alphanumeric characters plus a rule counter.
- File + Random chars + Counter: file name plus random alphanumeric characters plus a rule counter (set by default).
- Custom Prefix + Random chars + Counter: custom label plus random alphanumeric characters plus a rule counter.
Custom Prefix Custom rule label if Custom Prefix is part of your rule label structure
Rule description source Set the priority for your rule label type. Possible values are:
- Rule Label: added in square brackets. See the dedicated page to see how to write them.
- Header Comment (before rule type keyword): comment written before the rule declaration.
- Internal Comment (after rule type keyword): comment written inside the rule declaration

Check the procedure in the dedicated page to see how to set priorities between label types.

Group: Studio

Sub-group: Resources

Property Description
Resources Cache Directory Path where a copy of the resources is kept after it has been downloaded from the repository. The cache allows finding these resources locally without having to download them from the repository when creating a new project module. It is possible to delete the cached files by selecting Repository Cached Files

Group: Rule Inspection

  • To restore suppressed or ignored inspections from the current project:

    1. Select Rule Inspection > Current Project.
    2. Select from the Inspection column:

      • an inspection to restore, then Remove .


      • Remove All to restore all the inspections.
    3. Select Yes to confirm, then OK.


    Start a Rule Inspection to display the restored inspections.

  • To restore suppressed or ignored inspections from all the projects:

    1. Select Rule Inspection > All Projects.
    2. Select from the Inspection column:

      • an inspection to restore, then Remove


      • Remove All to restore all the inspections.
    3. Select Yes to confirm, then OK.


    Start a Rule Inspection to display the restored inspections.

  • To restore an inspection for a file of the current project:

    1. Select Rule Inspection > Current Project.
    2. Select from the File/Inspection column:

      • an inspection to restore, then Remove


      • Remove All to restore all the inspections.
    3. Select Yes to confirm, then OK.


    • Select the expanding and collapsing arrows ( ) to view the type of inspection the file belongs to.
    • Start a Rule Inspection to display the restored inspection.
  • To reset ignored inspections:

    1. Select Rule Inspection > Current Project.
    2. Select Reset to restore the ignored inspections.
    3. Select Yes to confirm, then OK.


    Start a Rule Inspection to display the restored inspections.

  1. You can freely choose any color, but it is strongly suggest you avoid colors that can mash with your application theme making the text unreadable.