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Entity labels

Here is a list of all the entities recognized by Platform:

Labels Description Example
People Hakeem Olajuwon dunked effortlessly.
Organizations Now they threaten to quit the United Nations if they are not heard.
Companies Tesla Inc. sold 10% of its Bitcoin holdings.
Mass media I read it in the Guardian.
Geography Alaska is the least densely populated state in the United States.
Building While in London I attended a concert at the Royal Albert Hall.
Environment I crossed the Mississippi river with my boat.
Date Napoleon died on May 5, 1821.
Money I sold half of my stocks and made six hundred thousand dollars.
Measure The chest is five feet wide and 40 inches tall.
Phone number For poor database design, call (214) 748-3647.
Email address For any questions do not hesitate to write to [email protected].
Street address Who lived at 221B Baker Street?

All labels are immediately visible in the Entities panel on the left when in list view, except for:

  • Companies (associated to Organizations)
  • Mass Media (associated to Organizations)
  • Building (associated to Geography)
  • Environment (associated to Geography)

Expand the Organizations and the Geography labels to see them and their corresponding values.

In detail view, all labels and the associated ones are clearly visible in the Entities panel on the right.