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Project resources

The resources of a Knowledge Graph Customization project are lists of elements and information to be added to the baseline KG. They can be syncons, relations between syncons and syncons' user data.

Lists can be:

  • CSV
  • TXT

CSV list type lends itself to being represented in CSV format, and in fact they can be imported and exported as text files with that formatting.
They are used to provide definitions of any type of syncon, definitions of relations between syncons and user data for syncons.

TXT list type lends itself to being represented by plain text files and are only used to provide data for named entities

In CSV list types, the definition of a syncon contains a lot of accessory information (frequency, weight, domains, etc.), while in TXT list types, only the lemmas for each syncon are listed.


Unless otherwise specified, the procedures described below are applied in the Resources tab of the project dashboard.

Create a new list

To create a new list:

  1. Select Create list on the top of the Resources panel: the creation wizard will start.
  2. In the Create new list dialog, set the list name, choose the list type and select Next.

If you choose Syncon list (CSV type), select the type of definition among:

then select Next. The dialogs that will appear are described in the pages referenced above.

If you choose Entity list (TXT type), the Add entities dialog appears.

  1. Select the link type in the Current chain drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the item that is strictly dependent to the previous step. For example, if you selected a supernomen/subnomen link, enter the supernomenomen, or if you selected an omninomen/parsnomen link, enter the omninomen.

    • Deselect Select from Knowledge Graph if you want to manually enter an ID.
    • If Select from Knowledge Graph is selected, a list of possible matching syncons is displayed as you type.


    A list of suggestions will appear in the EDITOR HELPER panel.

  3. Type an optional definition under Definition.

  4. Put the cursor inside Enter lemmas and type one or more lemmas. Lemmas can contain spaces. Use the pipe character (|) to separate multiple lemmas.
  5. Select Add new entity to add another entity without exiting the dialog.

After you define at least one item, the wizard ends and the new list is displayed in the Resources panel.

Import a list

To import a list from a file:

  1. Select Import list at the top of the Resources panel. The Import new list wizard starts.
  2. Set the list name and choose the list type, then select Next.
  3. Select Browse files to open the file, multiple selection is not allowed. If you want to replace the file, select Replace file and open a different file.
  4. Select Next.

If you selected Entity list during step 2, the Import entities dialog will appear:

  1. Select the link type in the Current chain drop-down menu and the separator character under Separator.
  2. Enter the item that is strictly dependent to the previous step. For example, if you selected a supernomen/subnomen link, enter the supernomenomen, or if you selected an omninomen/parsnomen link, enter the omninomen.


Select Enter manually to directly type the item syncon ID.

  1. Type an optional definition under Definition and select Import.


A list of suggestions to choose from is displayed in the Editor helper panel.

Browse lists

Find all the defined lists in the Resources panel.
Select a list to open it.

To filter the lists, enter a string of at least three characters in the search box of the Resources panel and press Enter: only the lists with matching names will be displayed.
Select the X button in the search box to cancel the filter.

Edit list name

To edit the name of a list:

  1. Select the ellipsis on the right, under the dashboard toolbar, then choose Edit list name.
  2. Enter the new name and select Save.

Validate a list

To validate a list, select Validate on the right, under the dashboard toolbar.
Validation information will appear in the lower part of the window.

Download a list

To download a list:

  1. Select the ellipsis on the right, under the dashboard toolbar, then choose Download list.
  2. Accept or change the filename and select Download.


The downloaded file is a ZIP archive containing the list itself—either a CSV or plain text file—plus a JSON file which is instrumental for importing the list elsewhere.

Delete a list

To delete a list, select the ellipsis on the right, under the dashboard toolbar, then choose Delete list.

Edit the list contents

To edit the list contents, select the list in the Resources panel, then use these procedures described in the next pages.