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Main toolbar commands


When you open a project you can find a toolbar which changes according to the project type and the main dashboard, but some buttons and icons are common. icon

Select the icon to go to the main dashboard from wherever you are.

Start an experiment

Select Start an experiment to run an experiment on a project and generate models.

Knowledge graph viewer

Select Knowledge graph to open and navigate the Knowledge graph.

Technology version

Select the technology version icon to show the details and to create a Knowledge Graph customization project.

Activity log

Major events affecting the project are logged as activities.

Select Activity log to check the project activity log. In case of corpora, select the Activity log tab.

The default view displays activities across all project libraries (in case of categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects). Select a library in the left panel to filter the activities performed on it.

Activities are divided into the following levels:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Debug

To change the sort order of the displayed activities according to Date or Level, select the related column header.

To filter the activities according to their level, select the related buttons placed at the top.

To export the activity log in JSON format:

  1. Select Export log.
  2. In the Export log dialog, enter the filename or confirm the suggested one.
  3. Select Export and the JSON file will be available for the download.
  4. Select Download either in the dialog or in the notification in the lower right corner.

Check background tasks

To check background tasks, select Background tasks .


  • = No background tasks.
  • = Background tasks in progress.

Check notifications

To check notifications, select Notifications in the upper right corner of the dashboard.

To open a project select a related notification.

Profile settings


This option is displayed and allowed to Administrator and Owner user types only.

To access the administration environment, select the user icon in the upper right corner, then select Administration.


This option is displayed to users belonging to the Advanced or Owner role.

Select this option to access the NL Flow application.

Personal settings

To change your profile settings, the password and to get the Studio profile key, select the user icon in the upper right corner of the dashboard, then select Your profile:

  • In the Your profile tab, you can modify Name and Surname. If you have permissions, you can also change Email address and Role. Select Save to confirm.

  • In the Change password tab, you can modify the password or reset it if you have forgotten it. Select Change and check the email with the instructions.

  • In the Studio profile key tab you can find a key allowing Studio users to access Platform.

    Select Copy to clipboard to copy the code to the clipboard.


To access the documentation, select the user icon in the upper right corner, then User guide.

Support portal

To log in to the Help Center, select the user icon, then select Support portal.

About Platform

For information about the current version of Platform and all of its components, select the user icon in the upper right corner, then About Platform.

Select Copy to clipboard to copy the information to the clipboard.

Toggle dark mode

To enable or disable the dark visualization, select the user icon in the upper right corner of the dashboard, then switch on/off the Dark mode toggle button.

Log out

To log out, select the user icon in the upper right corner of the dashboard, then Logout.