Experiments without annotations
If you run an experiment on libraries without annotations there are no quality indicators and the tab is displayed in the following form:
Information displayed:
- Engine type
- Experiment name
- Matching strategy
- Experiment author
- Experiment performance date and time
- Number of documents in the library
- Number of analyzed documents
- Number of validated documents
In the middle area, the number and percentages of Documents in which some of the concepts have been automatically spotted.
The Top concepts panel lists the the most automatically recognized concepts in your documents.
Within this panel:
- Hover over a concept and select Search
to perform a search based on the concept in focus.
- Hover over a concept and select Show in resources
to show the concept in the Resources panel.
- Hover over a concept and select the Information about this Concept
to show general information about the concept.
Search , Show in resources
and Information about this Concept
are better described in the quality page.
The Most extracted and Not extracted panels respectively show documents in which concepts have automatically been recognized and documents without concept recognition.
Within these panels:
- Hover over a document and select Annotate document
to open it in the Documents tab, detail view and start annotating it.
- Hover over a document and select Open document
to open it in the Experiments tab, Documents statistics sub-tab.
Open document and Annotate document
work the same way as described in the experiment quality page.
Select the Resources sub-tab for details about the project concepts.
There are two columns:
- Concept listing the project concepts
- N. of hits listing the automatic concept hits
For each selected concept, the Resource details panel appears, listing:
Within this sub-tab:
- Hover over a concept and select Search
to perform a search based on the concept in focus.
- Hover over a concept and select Show in resources
to show the concept in the Resources panel.
Check the quality page for more details about this sub-tab.
The Documents sub-tab has lists the project documents. It has two columns:
- Documents listing the project documents.
- Ext. counting the automatic concept extractions.
Hover over a document, then select:
- Annotate document
to open it in the Documents tab, detail view and start annotating it.
- Open document
to open it in the Experiments tab, Documents statistics sub-tab.
Click the icon beside Only documents with extractions until it turns into one of the following forms:
to select the positive filter, that means only documents with extractions.
to select the negative filter, that means only documents without extractions.
means no filter.
To sort the documents based on a specific item, hover over the column header and select the arrow beside it.
Check the quality page for more details about this sub-tab.