The main dashboard
Once you logged in, the home page is a dashboard which shows all defined projects and corpora.
On the first access, or if you delete all your items, the dashboard is empty. Add your corpora and projects to start managing it.
To go to the dashboard from wherever you are:
- When the main menu is displayed on the left, select Dashboard
- When the main menu is not displayed, select the
icon at the top left.
In the main dashboard you can:
Create a new:
Start managing existing:
When populated, the dashboard is divided into several areas:
- A: Last opened by you
- B: Workspace info
- C: Create item
- D: Last experiments
- E: Last edited by other users
- F: Last activities
- G: Filterable list of projects and corpora.
- H: Main menu.
Main menu
To filter all the items of the same kind (projects or corpora), select the related icons in the main menu:
- Categorization
- Extraction
- Corpora
Open a project
It is possible to open a project from the Last opened by you, the Last experiments, the Last edited by other users panels and the filterable list of items:
- Double-click the project card or row.
- Select the project name.
Search for a project or a corpus
To search for a project or a corpus, enter the search criteria in the search bar. Select the project or the corpora to open it.
The user's icon beside the project name is the project owner.
Last opened by you
The Last opened by you panel shows the recently opened projects.
The sharing icon means that the project is shared with other users.
Workspace info
The Workspace info panel summarizes in a pie chart all your projects and corpora. Each color is associated to a project type.
Create item
The Create item panel allows you to create a new:
Last experiments
The Last experiments panel shows the details of the latest experiments in your projects:
- The project name and type.
- The sharing icon
. Hover over it to see the users who are sharing the project.
- The green dot
indicating that no analysis or loading operations is in progress.
- Last edit and author.
- The technology version
- The number of Resources
- The number of Documents
and, if any, the number of Libraries (in parenthesis).
- The Language or the Languages
- The ML model Type.
- The metrics policy, that can be:
- Micro average
- Macro average
- Weighted average
- Sampled average
- Micro average
- Related library info
- The number of documents with extractions (for extraction projects).
- The number of documents with categories (for categorization projects).
- The number of resources employed for the annotation (for categorization projects).
Last edited by other users
The Last edited by other users panel shows the projects edited by other users you share projects with.
Information displayed in the card:
- The project name, type and, if any, the sharing icon
- The green dot
indicating that no analysis or loading operations is in progress.
- Last edit and author.
- The technology version
- The number of Documents
and, if any, the number of Libraries (in parenthesis).
- The Language or the Languages
- The number of Resources
Last activities
The Last activities panel shows notifications about projects activities. Some activities can be selected to view where they occurred.
Filterable list of items
The filterable list of items lists the corpora and the projects you and other users are working on.
There are two different views for this list:
- Card view
- Table view
Select Show card view to show your items in form of cards.
Select Show table view to show your items in form of a table.
For each project, the information displayed is identical to the Last experiments panel.
For corpora, the same information of the Corpus info panel is displayed. When in card view, select Share to share corpora with other users.
To sort your documents when in card view, select one of the available options from the drop-down menu. When in table view, you can sort your documents by selecting the desired column header.
You can filter the project list by selecting one of the following selectors:
- All items
- Your items
- Private items
- Shared with you
- All tech versions
Items additional information and operations
By selecting a project, the following sub-panels are displayed:
- Project info
- Last experiment
- Coverage of the Test library
By selecting a corpus, the following sub-panels are displayed:
- Corpus info
- Coverage
Project info
In the Project info sub-panel it is possible to:
- Delete a project.
- Change the project settings and sharing.
- Export the project (except for corpora).
Deleting a project
To delete a project, select Delete .
A project can only be deleted by the owner.
Change the project settings
To change the settings of categorization and extraction projects and corpora, select Edit .
Change the project sharing
To change the project sharing of extraction and categorization projects and corpora, select Sharing .
Export the project
To export categorization and extraction projects, select Export
The Project info sub-panel also contains information about the selected project:
- The project name.
- The sharing icon
if the project is shared with other users.
- Time and author of the last edit.
- The technology version
- The number of Resources
- The number of Documents
and the number of Libraries (in parenthesis).
- The project Language or Languages
- The green dot
indicating that no analysis or loading operations is in progress.
- The project description.
- The project owner (on the left) and the users who have the project sharing permission.
Last experiment
This sub-panel shows the last experiment details:
- The experiment name.
- The time and author of the experiment
- The model type.
- The experiment model.
- The test and training libraries names.
Coverage of the Test library
The Coverage of the Test library sub-panel shows in detail:
- The number of documents with extractions (for extraction projects).
- The number of documents with categories (for categorization projects).
- The number of resources used to annotate documents (for categorization projects).
Corpus info
The Corpus info sub-panel contains information about the selected corpus:
- The corpus name.
- The sharing icon
if the corpus is shared with other users.
- Date and author of the last edit.
- The corpus description.
- The technology version
- The number of Documents
- The Language or Languages
- The green dot
indicating that no analysis or loading operations is in progress.
- The owner of the project (on the left) and the users who have the project sharing permission.
In case of a corpus, a pie chart appears with the topics listed below with their percentages. Hover over each slice of the chart to know the number of documents associated to a topic.
Filter dashboard
You can filter your dashboard according to the project type by selecting one of the buttons below the Dashboard one:
- Categorization
- Extraction
- Corpora
You will always see the same panels described above plus a new one, called Last edited project, showing information about the project in focus you edited.
To open a project from the Last edited project panel:
- Double-click the panel.
- Select the project name.
Common information
The same information among the panels of each project type is:
- The project name.
- The sharing icon
if the project is shared with other users.
- The number of Resources
(not available in corpora).
- The number of Documents
- The project Language(s)
- The technology version
- The last action
—with date and time—performed on the project (not available in corpora).
- The project members (the owner on the left).
- The Last experiment sub-panel already described above (not available in corpora) plus the experiment quality metrics.
- The Library overview sub-panel, in case of more than a project library (not available in corpora) containing:
- The library names.
- The number of documents.
- The number of experiments performed.
- The Library coverage sub-panel, in case of more than a library (not available in corpora) containing:
- The library name.
- The number of documents with categories (for categorization projects) with percentage.
- The number of documents with extractions (for extraction projects) with percentage
- The number of annotated documents with percentage.
- The number of validated documents with percentage.
Different information
- The Top categories sub-panel for categorization projects, showing the most detected categories.
- The Top extractions sub-panel for extraction projects, containing the quantity of extractions for each field and concept.
- The Main topics sub-panel for corpora.
- The Most relevant terms sub-panel for corpora.
- To switch between sub-panels, use the right
and left
- Hover over the orange lines of the Top extractions and Top categories sub-panels for the amount of extractions and categories.