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Other useful operations

Export facets

If you need to select specific library properties and export them in JSON format in order to analyze their structure, you can use the Export facets feature in the list view:

  1. Select Export in the left panel.
  2. Enter the optional filename or confirm the suggested one.
  3. Enter the number of items to be exported. Items are sorted by descending frequency. The maximum number of items to export is 25000.
  4. Check the resources boxes you need in the Resources, Entities and Tokens sub-tabs, then select Export.
  5. Select Download in the Download tab or in the notification in the lower right corner to download the JSON file.


The exported items are dependent on any filtering set.

Disable most relevant terms suggestion

Loading the MOST RELEVANT TERMS bar in the list view can be quite expensive in terms of time, so if you want to speed up the displaying of documents you can disable this feature.

To disable the most relevant terms suggestion, select Disable most relevant terms suggestion .

If disabled, select Enable most relevant terms suggestion .

Show original spacing

Spacing may vary after a document has been converted.

In detail view, to display the original version, select the ellipsis related to the document name, then select Show original text spacing.

To go back to the converted document spacing, select the ellipsis , then select Show justified text spacing.

Delete documents

  • To delete a document in detail view, select the ellipsis above the document, then select Delete document .
  • To delete a document in list view, select a document (multiple selections with CTRL+CLICK and SHIFT+CLICK are NOT allowed), then Delete document .

Change documents language

In the list view:

  1. Select the documents, multiple selections with CTRL+CLICK and SHIFT+CLICK are allowed.
  2. Select Change language .

Or, to change the language to a single document:

  • Select the Change language icon and select the language from the drop-down menu.


The annotation features are disabled in documents in a language other than the one selected for the project.

Copy a document text to the clipboard

To copy a document text to the clipboard, in the Documents tab, detail view, select the ellipsis related to the document name, then Copy to clipboard.

Show classes in resources

To display an item in the Resources tab, in list view, left panel:

  1. Select the Classes tab.
  2. Hover over an item.
  3. Select Show in resources .

Show classes information

In list view, left panel:

  1. Select the Classes tab.
  2. Hover over an item.
  3. Select Show information .

If a document is related to others, in detail view, select Related documents related to display them in the Related Documents panel.

Select show more to have a preview of a selected document or show less to reduce the view.

To open a document in the list, double-click it.

To change the sort order in the Related Documents panel, select the preferred option from the drop-down menu at the top right.

To show again the Entities, Tokens and Classes tabs in the right pane, select Value value.

Document details

To show document details such as file size, upload date, upload author and main sentences, select Show more at the top of the document panel in detail view.

To hide document details, select Hide details .