Manage documents
The main specific documents management operations are the following:
- Annotations.
- Upload and export documents.
- Manage libraries.
- Filter, search, and browse documents.
- Search within a document.
- Check the analytics.
But you can also perform other useful operations such as:
- Export facets.
- Change documents language.
- Disable most relevant terms suggestion.
- Show original spacing.
- Delete documents.
- Copy a document text to the clipboard.
- Show classes in resources.
- Show classes information.
Most of them are performed in the Documents tab that has three alternative views:
List view, which displays the documents preview list.
Detail view, which displays a simplified list on the left and the details of a specific document in the center.
The Context view, which displays the list of the documents and, for each of them, a list of textual contexts, each one centered on an annotation. See how to activate it in the dedicated page.
To switch between views:
To switch from the list view to the detail view:
- Double click a document in the list.
- Select the file name of a document in the list.
- Select a document in the list and select View document
at the top left of the document list.
To switch from the detail view to the list view, select Browse documents
from the left panel.