Select and view documents
The two views of the Documents tab
The Documents tab displays corpus documents in greater detail.
It has two views:
- List view
- Detail view
The first view shows the list of the documents.
The second one shows a simplified list on the left and the detail of a specific document in the center.
To access the list view from the Documents tab, Analytics
- Select the Documents tab.
- Select Browse documents
To access the detail view from the Documents tab, Analytics sub-tab, select View document
To switch from the list view to the detail view:
- Double click a document in the list.
- Select the file name of a document in the list.
- Select a document in the list and select View document
To switch from the detail view to the list view:
- Select Browse documents
- Select the Documents tab.
- Select Browse documents
Sort the document list
To sort any list of documents, for example by relevance or by file name, in ascending or descending order, choose the corresponding option from the drop-down menus on top of the document list.
Most relevant terms
When in list view, you can enable and disable the MOST RELEVANT TERMS bar.
- Select Disable most relevant terms suggestion
to disable it.
- Select Enable most relevant terms suggestion
to enable it.
Open a document
To open a document from the Documents tab, Analytics sub-tab:
- Select Expand
to expand the Documents panel.
- Double-click the document box in the list.
- Select the file name in the document box.
- Select the document box in the list, then select View document
- Select Expand
To open a document from the Documents tab, list view :
- Double-click the document box in the list.
- Select the file name in the document box.
- Select the document box in the list, then select View document
In each situation, the document will be displayed in the detail view of the Documents tab.
You can open a document from the left panel of the detail view of the Documents tab by selecting it from the list.
Export entities and tokens
To export your project entities or tokens lists in JSON format, when in list view:
- Select Export
in the left panel.
- In the dialog, Export tab, type a name or confirm the suggested one.
- Select the number of items to be exported (1000 by default, up to 25000).
- Check the entities and tokens boxes you need in the Entities and Tokens sub-tabs and select Export.
- In the Download tab or in the notification in the lower right corner, select Download.
Peculiarities of the detail view of the Documents tab
Browse documents
You can browse documents by using the Next document and Previous document
buttons located at the top of the document detail panel.
Related documents
If a document is related to other, select Related documents to display them in the Related Documents panel.
Select show more to have a preview of a selected document or show less to reduce the view.
To open a document in the list, double-click it.
To change the sort order in the Related Documents panel, select the preferred option from the drop-down menu at the top right.
To show again the Entities and Tokens tabs in the right pane, select Value .
Document details
To show document details such as file size, upload date, upload author and main sentences, select Show more at the top of the document panel.
To hide document details, select Hide details .
The Entities tab on the right panel lists all the entities identified during the analysis of the document, grouped by type.
- To collapse or expand the sub-list of each type, select respectively the collapsing arrow
or the expanding one
- To filter the list, use the Filter list bar.
- To change the sort order, select the desired option from the drop-down menu at the top right.
The entity types identified in the text are also shown as selection chips above the text of the document.
To highlight all occurrences of entity types in the text:
- Select the entity types from the bar above the document text.
- Select the entity types, in the Entities tab on the right panel.
To remove the highlights:
- Deselect the entities types.
- Select the x icon
that shows the selection count.
To highlight all the occurrences of an entity, select the entity from the Entities tab on the right panel.
To make the highlights disappear:
- Deselect the entity.
- Select the x icon
that shows the selection count.
The Tokens tab on the right panel lists all the tokens identified during the analysis of the document, grouped by type.
- To collapse or expand the sub-list of each type, select respectively the collapsing arrow
or the expanding one
- To filter the list, use the Filter list bar.
To change the sort order, select the desired option from the drop-down menu at the top right.
To highlight all the occurrences of a token, just select the token.
To make the highlight disappear:
- Deselect the token.
- Select the x icon
that shows the selection count.
Find text
To find and highlight all occurrences of a string in the text of the document, enter at least 3 characters in the Find text bar and then press Enter
Copy a document text to the clipboard
To copy the document text to the clipboard:
Select the ellipsis above the document, then select Copy to clipboard.
Show original spacing
Spacing may vary after a document has been converted. In detail view:
To display the original version, select the ellipsis
above the document, then select Show original text spacing.
To go back to the converted document spacing, select the ellipsis
above the document, then select Show justified text spacing.