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Manage resources

It is possible to manage the taxonomy categories in the Resources tab.

Add a narrow category

To add a narrow category, which is a child node in the taxonomy tree:

  1. In the Resources panel, select the category of interest and select Create category .
  2. In the New category window, confirm Broader category, which is the father node.
  3. Enter the category name in Category and then press Enter to confirm and add the possible next ones.
  4. Select Create.


  1. In the Resources panel, hover over the category of interest and select Create category .
  2. In the New category window, confirm Broader category, which is the father node.
  3. Enter the category name in Category and then press Enter to confirm and add the possible next ones.
  4. Select Create.


  1. In the Resources panel, select the category of interest.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, select NARROWER CATEGORY > +.
  3. Enter the category name and then press Enter.


The + will appear, if the selected broader category already has at least a narrower category. If you create the first narrow category, just type it in the Add a narrower category... bar.


  1. In the Resources panel, select Create category in the upper right corner.
  2. In the New category window, type the Broader category, enter the category name in Category and then press Enter to confirm and add the possible next ones.
  3. Select Create.


  • Drag a category under a node.


    All the sub-categories are moved too.

Add a broader category

To add a broader category, which is a father node in the taxonomy tree:

  1. In the Resources panel, select the category of interest.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, under BROADER CATEGORY, enter the category name in the Add a broader category... bar, then press Enter.
  3. In the New category window, select Create.


  1. In the Resources panel, select Create category in the upper right corner.
  2. In the New category window, select No broader.
  3. Enter the category name in Category, then press Enter to add the possible next ones.
  4. Select Create.

Expand - Collapse the Resource

If a category has narrow categories, it is possible to expand and collapse the nodes:

  • Click the expanding icon placed to the left of the category name to expand it.
  • Click the collapsing icon placed to the left of the category name to collapse it.


  • Select the category and click Expand node or Collapse node placed to the right of the category name.


  • Hover over the category and click Expand node or Collapse node placed to the right of the category name.

Move a category

To move a category, select a category, then drag it into the new position.


To turn a narrower category into a broader category, select the narrower category, then drag it into the Taxonomy panel on the left.

Delete a category

To delete a category:

  • Select a category, then select Delete category .


  • Hover over a category, then select Delete category .


  • Select a category, then select Delete category in the Edit Category panel.


  1. Select a broader category from the Resources panel.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, under NARROWER CATEGORY, hover over a category and select Delete .

Or, to delete the relation between a broader and a narrow category:

  1. Select a narrow category from the Resources panel.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, under BROADER CATEGORY, hover over the category and select Delete .


If you delete a broader category, all the nodes below it are also removed.

Search for a category in the taxonomy tree

To search for a category in the taxonomy tree, in the Resources panel, enter the category name (minimum three chars) in the search bar, then press Enter.

To reset your search for a new one, select at the right of the search bar.

Modify the category name

To modify the category name, in the Edit Category panel, enter the new category name under LABEL.

Modify the category description

To modify the category description, in the Edit Category panel, enter the new description under DESCRIPTION.

Show the category in resources

To show a narrow category in focus:

  • Select it from the Resources panel.


  1. Select a broader category from the Resources panel.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, under NARROWER CATEGORY, hover over the category and select Show resources .

To show a broader category in focus:

  • Select it from the Resources panel.


  1. Select a narrow category from the Resources panel.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, under BROADER CATEGORY, hover over the category and select Show resources .

Check the number of documents belonging to a category

On the right side of the category name the following items are displayed:

  • The number of documents belonging to that category.
  • A colored dot that represents the population amount.
    • = Less than 6 documents annotated for the category.
    • = Between 6 and 20 documents annotated for the category.
    • No dots = more than 20 annotations


The colored dots appear only after annotation.

Export the taxonomy

To export the taxonomy:

  1. In the Resources panel, select Export taxonomy .
  2. In the Export resources window, enter the filename or confirm the suggested one and confirm the extension in Extension.
  3. Select Export and the XML/RDF file will be available for the download.
  4. Select Download either in the dialog or in the notification in the lower right corner.

Exclude or include a category from the analysis in the experiments

Some categories may have more or less relevance in the training, so to set a better strategy you can exclude or include them in the experiments.

To include/exclude a category:

Switch the ENABLE/DISABLE CATEGORY radio-button to enable or disable a category.

Show suggested annotations documents

This option is available only for the taxonomy created with the Building magic taxonomy procedure.

To show suggested annotations documents:

  1. Select the category in the Resources panel.
  2. In the Edit Category panel, select Show suggested documents .

The resulting documents are displayed in the Suggested Annotations Documents panel on the right.

  • To collapse the panel, select Collapse .
  • To expand the collapsed panel, select Expand .
  • To close the panel, select Show suggested documents .
  • To sort the documents according relevance, name, annotations or categories, select the item in the related drop-down menu.
  • To filter documents by language, select an option from the drop-down menu.
  • To filter the documents by document name, enter the search criteria (min. three chars) in the search bar then Enter.
  • To reset the search criteria, select the X button .
  • To show more textual content of a document, select show more.
  • To open the document in detail view:

    • Double-click the document.


    • Select the document name.

Browse library

To perform a search according to the category in focus:

  1. Select a category.
  2. Select Browse library .

The list view with the category as a search item will appear.