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This window allows managing annotations for the test document specified in the context bar and gives a snapshot of the quality achieved during the last analysis.

The window contains the context bar and these panels:

  • Quality
  • Categories
  • Extractions
  • Sections

The status bar, when present, shows the number of items.

Quality check icons

As in other tool windows, icons are used here to represent the outcome of quality checks in terms of matches, missed matches and unexpected results for categorization and extraction.

Icon Description
Green hexagon True positive (TP), annotation matched by a result
Orange hexagon False positive (FP), unexpected result
Purple hexagon False negative (FN), annotation not matched by any result


This panel contains a visual report of the quality achieved by categorization and extraction during the last analysis of the test document specified in the context bar.


Quality can be checked only if target results have been previously annotated for the test document.

A read-only checkbox in the upper part of this panel indicates if the target results have been validated.

There can be a Categorization and an Extraction sub-panel, depending on the type of the targets that have been annotated.

The buttons in the upper right corner can be used to collapse or expand the sub-panel.

Each sub-panel shows the values of the quality indicators and, in the lower part, the number of matches, missed matches and unexpected results.


This panel lists categorization annotations and the quality check for each annotation.
The panel also provides tools to edit and delete annotations. It contains a table with a row for each annotated category having these columns:

Name Description
Quality If set, is the result of the quality check after the last analysis
Annotated Value The target category

Column headers can be clicked to change the sort order of the results.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Search box Search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Select the next result matched by the search criteria
high Keep Highlighted Highlight the annotation in the text
Red X Delete selected items Delete selected items from the list
Filter by quality Filter the list based on the result of the quality check

The context menu has these commands:

Name Description
View in Taxonomy Open the Taxonomy tool window and set its focus to the selected category

Mouse commands

A double-click everywhere on a row to opens the Annotation detail dialog where the annotation can be edited.


This panel lists the the extraction annotations, the results of quality check for each annotation and provides tools to edit and delete annotations.

The tab contains a table with a row for each annotated extraction and these columns:

Name Description
Quality If set, it is the result of the quality check after the last analysis
Type The template and the field of the target extraction
Begin The starting position of the extraction text
End The ending position of the extraction text
Extracted Value The value extracted during the last analysis
Annotated Value The annotated value

Column headers can be clicked to change the sort order of the results.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Search box Search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Select the next result matched by the search criteria
high Keep Highlighted Highlight the annotations in the text
Red X Delete selected items Delete selected items from the list
Filter by type Filter the list based on the extraction template name
Filter by quality Filter the list based on the result of the quality check

Mouse commands

A single click everywhere on a row shows the matching text in the editing area. Multiple selection is possible.

Double-click everywhere on a row to open the Annotation detail dialog where the annotation can be edited.


This panel lists the section annotations and provides tools to edit and delete them.

The tab contains a table with a row for each annotated section and these columns:

Name Description
Name The section name.
Begin The starting position of the section.
End The ending position of the section.

Column headers can be clicked to change the sort order of the results.

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Search box Search criteria
Magnifying glass Find Next Select the next result matched by the search criteria
all Delete all items Delete all section annotations from the list
plus Create new Section Open the file to create a new section
Red X Delete selected items Delete selected section annotation from the list


A read-only row for the section that has been configured as standard for the project—for example BODY—is always present and cannot be removed. It does not correspond to a real annotation, it simply reminds that the standard section covers the entire text.