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Platform Projects window


The Platform Projects window is available in Studio Enterprise edition after you successfully connect to the Platform application.

This window allows allows you to interact with Platform. It give you access to your Platform projects with their libraries and CPK packages.


Projects list

Platform projects are listed inside a table in the upper part of the window.
The table has the following columns:

Column Description
Linked Link between Studio and Platform projects
Type Project type
ID Project ID
Name Project name
Description Project description
Libraries Number of libraries
Created by Project author
Creation Date Creation date and time
Status Project availability

Below the table the number of projects and the Platform URL are displayed.

The Platform projects shown are those corresponding to the rules of the Studio project module.
Categorization projects are displayed if, after the last build operation, there is at least one categorization rule, extraction projects if there is at least one extraction rule. If there are rules of both types, the categorization projects plus the extraction projects are shown.
Thesaurus and corpus projects are never shown.

Projects toolbar

Icon Name Description
Refresh List Refresh Platform projects list
Module Module name
Type Project type filter
Link Module Link the Studio project's module to the selected Platform project
Publish to new Platform Project Create a new Platform project based on Studio project's module
Open Platform project Open the selected Platform project on browser (only for linked projects)
Analyze on Platform Analyze all files of a selected library on Platform (only for linked projects)
Delete Platform Link Delete the link between the selected Plaform project and the Studio project's module (for linked projects)


Libraries list

The Libraries tab in the lower part of the window contains a table showing the libraries of the selected Platform project.
Table columns are:

Column Description
Type Library type
Name Library name
Documents Number of documents
Annotations Number of annotations
Runs Number of analyses
Status Availability of the library

Below the table, the number of libraries is displayed.

Libraries tab toolbar

Icon Name Description
Refresh List Refresh the list of the project libraries
Upload Studio library Upload a Studio library to the selected Platform project
Download Platform library Download the selected library to the Studio project's module


Models list

The Models tab contains a table showing the CPKs of the selected Platform project.
Table columns are:

Column Description
Type Experiment type
Name Model name
NL Core version Model NL Core version
Creation Date Creation date and time
Warning Model warning
Status Availability of the model as a published model in Platform

Below the table, the number of CPKs is displayed.

Models tab toolbar

Icon Name Description
Refresh List Refresh the list of project models
Update Platform project Publish the Studio project's module on Platform in a .cpk format
Download Knowledge Model Download the selected model