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THRESHOLD and THRESHOLD2 functions return a new set containing the domains of an existing set the scores of which satisfy a given condition with respect to the score of a specific domain.

For example, in:

var destinationSet  = THRESHOLD(sourceSet, ">=" ,"1.01");

the THRESHOLD function returns the domains of sourceSet whose score is greater than or equal to that of the 1.01 domain, while in:

var destinationSet  = THRESHOLD2(sourceSet, "<" , 20, "1");

the THRESHOLD2 function returns the domains of sourceSet whose score is less than 20% of the score of domain 1.

Since the only domains with a score are those listed in the hidden results table, only domains with a matching entry in that table are considered.

The THRESHOLD syntax is:

THRESHOLD(set, operator, domain)


  • set is a set variable.
  • operator is one of the comparison operators listed in the table below.
  • domain is a domain ID.

The THRESHOLD2 syntax is:

THRESHOLD2(set, operator, fraction, domain)


  • set is a set variable.
  • operator is one of the comparison operators listed in the table below.
  • fraction is an integer or decimal number representing a percentage.
  • domain is a domain ID.

The domain ID and the operator must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Operator Description
= Equal
<> Not equal
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
< Less than
<= Less than or equal