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SYNCON is the extraction transformation option that transforms what is matched by the attribute into its syncon ID. This option should be used to normalize only extraction values known to the Knowledge Graph.

The syntax of the option SYNCON is the following:

SCOPE scopeOption

To use this option, the attribute chosen should be among those capable of recognizing elements found within the Knowledge Graph ( see SYNCON, ANCESTOR, LIST excluding the UNKNOWN elements: syncon and ancestor).
Consider the following example:


The purpose of this rule is to extract proper noun concepts (TYPE(NPR)) only if they are not "unknown" to the Knowledge Graph (- SYNCON(UNKNOWN)); in other words, extract proper nouns if they are contained in the Knowledge Graph. If this condition is verified, the SYNCON transformation option will ensure that every form that a proper noun can take in the text will be recognized and transformed into its syncon ID.

Consider the extraction output if the rule above is run against the following sample sentence:

Emergency teams battled more than 130 fires across New South Wales, the country's most populous state, on Tuesday, with at least 40 burning out of control. Fires also continued to burn in Tasmania, after blazes at the weekend destroyed more than 20,000 hectares of land and dozens of properties.

The text contains two values matching the sample rule: New South Wales and Tasmania, which are both recognized as proper nouns. The value extracted is the syncon ID of each entity.