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Monitor a workflow

In the Monitoring tab, statistical debugging information about the activities of the implicit and explicit stages of a workflow is displayed.

For example: how many documents went through each stage, the latency time, in some cases even the number of bytes that passed through the stage or the number of errors that were raised.

The activities information conveyed by the Monitoring tab is displayed in three different panels:

  • Legend
  • Workflow
  • JSON Viewer


The Legend panel is useful for understanding in better detail the activities information displayed in the Workflow panel.

To collapse or expand this panel, select Expand or Collapse .

To look for specific activities information, enter the search criteria in the search bar. To reset your search criteria, select .

The Legend panel is composed of three areas that summarize the activities information of the stages of the workflow:

  • Input blocks
  • Node blocks
  • Output blocks

Each area has specific activities information whose values are displayed in the Workflow panel.

Input blocks

Name Description
Count The number of times the input has attempted to read messages.
Latency Measures the round-trip latency from the point at which a message is read up to the moment the message has either been acknowledged by an output or has been stored within an external buffer.
Received The number of messages received by the input.
Send success The number of messages sent successfully.
Send error The number of messages sent with errors.
Send timeout The number of messages sent with timeout.

Node blocks

Name Description
Count The number of times the processor has been invoked (once per batch).
Dropped Dropped
Errors The number of errors encountered during processing.
Sent The number of messages returned by the processor.
Latency Measures the round-trip latency from the point at which a message is read from the buffer up to the moment it has been acknowledged by the output.

Output blocks

Name Description
Batch bytes The total number of bytes sent.
Latency Latency of message batch write in nanoseconds. Includes only successful attempts.
Count The number of times the output has attempted to send messages.
Sent The number of messages sent.
Connection failed The number of connections failed.
Connection lost The number of connections lost.
Connections up The number of connections up.


The Workflow panel is the main panel and allows you to view the values of the activities information described in the Legend panel for the stages of the workflow and its main components, like the pre-processor, the model and the post-processor.

The stages of the workflow that can be observed are:

  • Input HTTP
  • Output HTTP

JSON Viewer

In the JSON Viewer panel you can see all the activities with their respective values in the JSON format for each stage and component. Either you have a global view of all the activities, or you can specifically select one of the components or stages of the workflow to singularly view it in the panel.

To download the JSON file, select .