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Document Layout Viewer

Once a JSON file is prepared following the Prepare Selection command, it is possible to display the resulting PDF-like layout or the plain text file enabling the Document Layout Viewer.

Enable the Document Layout Viewer and set the properties

To enable the Document Layout Viewer and set the properties see the Configuration properties page.


For all the settings to take effect, you need to close and reopen the file.

The Document Layout Viewer is displayed by default if you open a document resulting from a Prepare Selection of a JSON file.

Switch from layout to plain text format

To switch from layout format, displayed by default, to plain text format and vice versa, select the Layout or Text tabs.


The Text tab is a read-only view. If you try to edit the text, a balloon will appear and alert you.

Browse the documents

To browse the document pages use the specific tools .

  • Select Move Prev to move to the previous page.
  • Select Move Next to move to the next page.
  • Select Move First to move to the first page.
  • Select Move Last to move to the last page.
  • Type a page number then press Enter to move to a specific page number.

Document full view

To display the document in full view, select Full Page View .

Document width view

To display the document in width view, according to the window size, select Page Width View .

Display or hide the blocks Ids

To display or hide the blocks ids, select or deselect Show Ids .

Display or hide the blocks colors

It is possible to display the color of each block type. For example fuchsia for the tables, light blue for the headings and so on.

To display or hide the blocks colors, select or deselect Show Colors .

Display or hide the blocks areas

To display or hide the blocks areas, select or deselect Show Layout Blocks .

Display or hide the word blocks

To display or hide the word blocks, select or deselect Show Word blocks .

Display or hide the reading order

To display or hide the reading order, that is how Extract simulates the document reading path, select or deselect Show Reading Order .

  1. Open the document.
  2. Select the Annotation tool window, Layout tab.
  3. Select a block in the Document layout viewer to check the related annotation in the Layout tab or select an annotation in the Layout tab to check the related block in the Document Layout viewer.

  1. Open the document.
  2. Select the Text tab.
  3. Select the Annotation tool window, Layout tab.
  4. Select an annotation in the Layout tab to check the related text portion in the plain text viewer.


In the plain text viewer is possible to use typical functionalities of the editing area, for example annotate and analyze the document or search in the knowledge graph.

Apply filters by block type

To apply filters by block type, in the Layout tab:

  1. Select Filter and Sort . The Filter by type drop-down menu will appear.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select the block type.