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Workflow status

Request this API resource to know about the status of a workflow.


The API endpoint for workflow status is:


where you have to replace:

  • host with the host name or IP address of the NL Flow runtime.
  • workflowId with the workflow ID.

To get the actual endpoint for a workflow, access the NL Flow application and:

  1. Open the workflow in the Workflows view of the dashboard.
  2. Display identifying information.
  3. Copy the value of the Workflow status endpoint.

HTTP verb

The workflow status resource must be requested with the GET verb.

Request headers

In every request you must set the following header:


where you have to replace APIKEY with the API key associated with your workflow.


The response body is a JSON object like this:

    "desiredStatus": "PUBLISHED",
    "actualStatus": "ORANGE",
    "publishingMode": "ASYNC",
    "details": {
        "stream": {
            "id": "benthos",
            "desired": 1,
            "actual": 1,
            "status": "GREEN"
        "services": [
                "id": "executor-b3a6b290",
                "desired": 1,
                "actual": 0,
                "status": "RED",
                "rolloutStatus": "Complete"
                "id": "knowledge-m-15607c4c",
                "desired": 1,
                "actual": 0,
                "status": "RED",
                "rolloutStatus": "Complete"

Its properties are:

  • desiredStatus: target workflow status of the workflow, e.g. PUBLISHED.
  • actualStatus: current workflow status:

    • GREEN: all the instances of the workflow's blocks are active, the workflow is usable.
    • YELLOW: not all the instances of multi-instance blocks are active, but at least one instance of each bock is active, so the workflow is usable.
    • ORANGE: at least one block doesn't have any active instance.
      For synchronous workflows this means that the workflow is not usable until status becomes green.
      For asynchronous workflows this means that the workflow accepts analysis tasks, so it's usable, but needs to activate block instances to actually perform analysis (its status will become green then).


      Green status asynchronous workflows can automatically go back to orange status after some inactivity if the auto-scaling option was turned on at publish time.

  • publishingMode: SYNC for synchronous or ASYNC for asynchronous.

  • details: details on the publication status of the workflow components. Contains:

    • stream: information on the data stream, i.e. the service that deals with the passage of data from one block to another. Its properties are:

      • id: data stream ID
      • desired: target number of instances
      • actual: number of currently active instances
      • status current status of the service:

        • GREEN: all target instances are active
        • ORANGE: some instances are active, but not all
        • RED: there are no active instances
    • services: information about the services corresponding to the workflow blocks plus, for asynchronous workflows, the executor service which CONSUMES acts as the tasks' queue manager. It is an array, each item of which corresponds to a service and has these properties:

      • id: service ID
      • desired: target number of instances
      • actual: number of currently active instances
      • status current status of the service:

        • GREEN: all target instances are active
        • ORANGE: some instances are active, but not all
        • RED: there are no active instances
      • rolloutStatus and replicasDetail: troubleshooting information that may be requested from you by support personnel if you report a problem with the workflow.