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View cpk properties


To view the properties of a cpk file in your project module, right-click the .cpk file in the package > cpk folder of the Project tool window and select View cpk properties. The CPK Actions dialog—containing general information about the cpk—will appear.


The cpk file can be the one generated by the deploy of the current project module or the deploy of another project module brought in the cpk folder of the current one.

Within this dialog you can:

  • Create a new project based on a selected CPK.
  • Update your current project module based on a selected CPK.

Create a new project

To create a new project which is an exact copy of the selected CPK, in the CPK Actions dialog:

  1. Select Create, then Next.
  2. Specify the project name and location, then select Create.


Annotations and test files are not brought to the new project.

Update current project

To update your current project based on a selected in the CPK Actions dialog:

  1. Select Update. The Update from cpk dialog will appear.
  2. In the dialog, select:

    • Rules and scripts to update your current module with rules and scripts extracted from the selected cpk.
    • Knowledge Graph to update your current module with the knowledge graph version extracted from the selected cpk.
    • Taxonomy to update your current module with the taxonomy extracted from the selected cpk.
    • Make Backup to make a backup of the files that were just updated from the selected cpk.


    If you select Knowledge Graph, Studio will be restarted.

At the end of the procedure, a notification message will appear in the Output panel of the Console tool window.

If you selected Make Backup, a new folder called updatebackup containing the .zip backup file will appear in the Project tool window.