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Replace the knowledge graph and disambiguator

Sometimes you may need to replace the whole knowledge graph—that is the semantic network and the related disambiguator software—of a project.

  1. Right-click anywhere in Project tool window and select Replace Knowledge Graph. A dialog like this appears:

    Only knowledge graph for the same language of the project are shown, each with the indication of the version and size. The with definition label applies to knowledge graphs that provide human readable descriptions for their concepts.

    • If the project has more than one module, you can change the module to which to apply the change using the Project drop-down list.
    • If the knowledge graph files are in a file system folder, select the ellipsis to the righjt of Local and browse the file system to select the folder.
    • Under Recent are listed knowledge graphs that were previously used and are cached on the computer.

      • To choose a cached knowledge graph, select it on the list.
      • To remove a knowledge graph from the cache, select Remove to the right of the knowledge graph description.
      • To empty the cache, select Clear beside Recent.
    • Under Repository are listed knowledge graphs available in the Web repository.

      • To choose knowledge graph from the Web repository, select it on the list.
      • To toggle the display of knowledge graphs with and old version, select Toggle old versions visibility .
      • To update the list so to reflect the latest changes, select Rescan Resource Repository .
  2. Once you made your choice, under Options, if you want to preserve the original knowledge graph, choose Make a copy of current knowledge graph before replace.

  3. Select OK or press Enter to do the replacement.

At the end of the procedure, Studio automatically builds the project, check any error in the Console and in the Notifications tool windows.