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The Segments tool window shows the segments of text that were identified for the test document specified in the context bar during the last analysis. This tool window is visible only if there are segments in output.


It contains these panels:

  • Segment/Rules
  • Details/Segment Text
  • Rule preview

A context menu command is available on the file name:

Name Description
Copy File name Copy the file name
Copy File full path Copy the file full path


This panel shows the segments, their instances and the rules that identified them.

The expand/collapse toggle switch on the left of segments' row displays or hides the segment instances. The expand/collapse toggle switch on the left of instance rows displays or hides the segmentation rules.

Panel columns are:

Column Description
Segment/Rules Segment name or rule
Score Instance score
Begin Segment instance starting position
End Segment instance ending position
Hits (Only for rules) The rule hits count

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Expand All Expand all the segments' rows, showing the segment instances and the rules
Collapse All Collapse all rows, hiding segment instances and rules
Search: Search criteria
Reset Reset the search criteria
Find Next Display the results matching the search criteria in the Find Results tool windows

The context menu command on the segment name is:

Name Description
Copy Segment name Copy the segment name

Available mouse commands are:

Command Description
Click a column header Change sort order
Click a segment row If the editor focus is on the test document, highlight all the instances in the document's text and the rules hits; also, all the instances of the segment are listed in the Segment Text sub-panel of the Details/Segment Text panel.
Double-click a segment row Give focus to the test document inside the editor and highlight all the segment instances and the rules hits; also, all the instances of the segment are listed in the Segment Text sub-panel of the Details/Segment Text panel.
Click a segment instance row Highlight the segment in the test document inside the editor
Click a rule row Highlight all the hits of the rule in the test document text inside the editor and show rule details in the other panels
Double-click a rule row Like single click plus a toggle action if the command is repeated: highlight the triggered rule in the rules file inside the editor or highlight rule's hits in the test document inside the editor

The info bar shows the segments count.

Details/Segment Text panel

This panel contains these sub-panels:

  • Details
  • Segment Texts


This panel shows the detail of the rules selected in the Segment/Rules panel.

Available mouse commands are:

Command Description
Click a row If the editor focus is on the test document, highlight the rule hits
Double-click a row Toggle action if the command is repeated: highlight the rule in the rules file or highlight the rule's hits in the test document

The info bar shows the hits count.

Segment Text

This panel shows the text of the segments selected in the Segment/Rules panel. When a segment row is selected, the panel shows all the instances, otherwise it shows the segment instance.

Rule preview panel

This panel shows the rule selected in the Segment/Rules panel.