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Document classification output

The document classification resource returns a JSON object with this format:

    "success": Boolean success flag,
    "data": {
        "content": analyzed text,
        "language": language code,
        "version": technology version info,
        "categories": []

For the description of the contents, language and version properties, see output overview.

Each item of the categories array represents a category, for example:

    "frequency": 70.62,
    "hierarchy": [
        "Competition discipline",
    "id": "20000851",
    "label": "Basketball",
    "namespace": "iptc_en_1.0",
    "positions": [
            "end": 14,
            "start": 0
            "end": 53,
            "start": 35
            "end": 139,
            "start": 136
    "score": 4005.0,
    "winner": true
  • namespace is the name of the software module carrying out document classification inside the text intelligence engine.
  • id, label and hierarchy identify the category in the categories' tree.
  • score is the cumulative score that was attributed to the category.
  • frequency is the percentage ratio of the category score to the sum of all categories' scores.


    Note that the sum of the frequencies of all categories could be less than 100. This occurs when the text intelligence engine is configured to filter out the "losers" categories. that is, those with the lowest scores.
    For further information on the topic of category score, consult the Studio documentation.

  • winner is a Boolean flag set to true if the category was considered particularly relevant.

  • positions is an array containing the positions of the text blocks that contributed to category score.