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HTTP status codes

200 OK

The request has been accepted and processed. The response contains a JSON object.

401 Unauthorized

This code can be obtained both in the phase of obtaining the execution key (see the in-depth article about using the API at the low-level), which requires authorization, and in the call to Studio LDA API.

While getting the execution key the reason for the code can be:

  • authentication failed, user credentials are invalid
  • the authorization token is missing
  • the authorization token is not valid
  • the authorization token has expired

Aside from the first case, the other cases should never happen if you use one of the SDKs available on GitHub correctly.

When calling Studio LDA API the reason for the code can be:

  • the execution key is missing
  • the execution key is not valid

403 Forbidden

This error can occur at the stage of obtaining the execution key if you have exceeded the rate limit.

404 Not Found

The server can not find the requested resource, the URL is wrong.

500 Internal Server Error

The server has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle.
It can happen when the JSON object posted with the request is invalid.

For example, the following is not a valid JSON object because both the external curly braces and the quotation marks around the properties names are missing.

document: {
    text: "Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players of all time. Scoring was Jordan's stand-out skill, but he still holds a defensive NBA record, with eight steals in a half."