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Models view


The Models view of the Workflow dashboard shows the models that are in use or can be used in workflows.

To access the view, select Models on the left menu.

You can find the following model types:

  • Symbolic models are purely symbolic models with rule generating engines.
  • ML models are based on hybrid technology, combining a symbolic and an ML engine.
  • Knowledge models are built-in models.

Symbolic and Machine learning models can be published from within the authoring application—see for example how to publish the model for a categorization project— or uploaded from exported files.

Knowledge Models are pre-installed and can't be uploaded or deleted.

Upload a model

To upload a model from a previously exported file:

  1. Select the plus button , then Upload Model. The Upload model dialog appears.
  2. Select the model type.
  3. Select Browse files and locate the exported file.
  4. Enter the model name.
  5. Select Upload.


It is possible to upload only:

  • Symbolic models that are .cpk files. They are produced in Studio or in Platform. For example thesaurus, categorization or extraction projects with rules generation engines.
  • ML models that are .mlpk files produced using Platform. For example categorization/extraction projects with machine learning engines.

The maximum allowed file size is 4GB.

Models can also be directly published in the authoring environment, so they are available in the workflow part.

It is possible also to upload a model in the workflow Editor tab.

Export and download a model

To export and download a model:

  1. Select a model.
  2. Select Download on the area's toolbar.
  3. Enter a filename, if you want to change it, in the Export model dialog.
  4. Choose the format from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select Download.

Filter by type

Use the filter bar in the upper part of the models area to filter the list based on model type.

Browse models

The most recent models are listed on the top while all models are listed below them.
To switch between table and card views use the Show card view and Show table view buttons on the area's toolbar.

Model information

Model summary information is displayed inside cards and table rows.

  • A: Model name and type
  • B: Number of published or unpublished workflows using the model
  • C: Upload or publishing info

Workflows using a model

To show and hide the list of workflows that use a model, switch to table view and use the expand and collapse buttons.

Workflow information is described in the article about the main views of the dashboard.

Sort items

In card view:

  • Choose the desired sorting mode from the drop-down list at the top left of the cards panel.

In table view:

  • Sort the list based on the values of a column by selecting the corresponding column header. To toggle between ascending and descending order, select the column header repeatedly.

Delete a model

To delete a model:

  1. If in table view, select the model row or if in card view, select the model card.
  2. Select Delete on the toolbar.


Knowledge Models can't be deleted.

Change model name

To change a model name:

  1. If in table view, select the model row or if in card view, select the model card.
  2. Select Edit on the toolbar.
  3. Enter the new name in Model name.
  4. Select Publish model.

Switch to another view

To switch from a view to another, use the dashboard left menu.