Define the tree
The narrower-broader tree
Platform displays thesaurus concepts in a taxonomy tree, each node of which represents a concept.
The taxonomy structure corresponds to the narrower/broader relation between concepts: child nodes are narrower concepts while parent nodes are broader concepts.
First-level nodes don't have parent nodes, they are children of the tree root, conventionally represented by the Thesaurus node.
The same concept can appear in several locations of the tree: it can have more than one broader concepts and so be the child of more than one node.
The taxonomy tree is displayed in the Resources panel, in the left portion of the Resources tab of the project dashboard.
Navigate the tree
To expand and collapse tree nodes to show and hide narrower concepts:
- Select the right arrow
placed to the left of a concept name to expand it.
- Select the down arrow
placed to the left of a concept name to collapse it.
- Select the concept then select Expand node
or Collapse node
to the right of the concept label.
- Hover over the concept and select Expand node
or Collapse node
to the right of the concept label.
To expand and collapse all tree nodes at once:
- Hover over Thesaurus and select Expand node
or Collapse node
to the right.
Find concepts in the tree
To search for a concept in the taxonomy tree, enter the concept name—at least three characters—in the search box, then press Enter
To reset the search criteria, select .
Add nodes
Using tree controls
To create a first-level concept under the root of the tree:
- Select Create concept
in the right upper corner of the Resources panel.
- Hover over Thesaurus and select Create concept
To create narrower concepts for an existing concept:
- Select the broader concept or hover over it and choose Create concept
The New concept dialog appears.
This pop-up dialog allows you to create one or more concepts at once.
If you want to specify a different position for the concept inside the tree, change the value of Broader concept. If you start typing in Broader concept, a drop-down menu showing concepts with matching labels is displayed and you can choose the broader concept from it.
To create a new concept, enter one of more words corresponding to the new concept in Concepts and press Enter
. Repeat the procedure to add more concepts.
Select Create another to re-open the dialog immediately after the concept insertion and thus speed up the addition of other new concepts.
When done, select Create or press Enter
From the "Edit Concept" panel
- Select a concept in the tree.
- Select the Relations tab inside the Edit Concept panel.
- Select the plus button under BROADER CONCEPTS if you want to create a parent node or the plus button under NARROWER CONCEPTS if you want to create a child node.
- Enter the concept label—one or more words—and press
Using suggestions
You can also add suggested concepts, read the article to learn how.
During annotation
Concepts can also be added while annotating the expected results.
Move nodes
To move a concept node within the tree, drag it to its new position.
Delete nodes
Using tree controls
- Select the concept, then select Delete concept
- Select Delete to confirm.
- Hover over a concept, then select Delete concept
- Select Delete to confirm.
- Select the concept of interest.
- Select Delete concept
on the Edit Concept panel toolbar.
- Select Delete to confirm.
When you delete a concept, all narrower concepts (children nodes) are deleted too, no matter how many other broader concepts they have.
From the "Edit Concept" panel
- Select a concept in the tree of the Resources panel.
- Select the Relations tab of the Edit Concept panel.
- Hover over a concept belonging to BROADER CONCEPTS or to NARROWER CONCEPTS then select Delete
Invisible relations
The tree shows the concepts according to the narrower/broader taxonomy, but it is possible to link the concepts to each other also with other relations.