Main toolbar commands
The main toolbar of the projects' dashboards provides commands that vary based on the context while other are always available.
Here you can find the description of the commands that are either always available or common to most contexts.
Return to the main dashboard
Select the icon to return to the main dashboard of the application.
Get project information
To get summary information about the project, hover over the information icon .
Switch between tabs
The toolbar contains tabs that correspond to the sections of the project.
The Documents tab is common to all project types except knowledge graph customization and allows you to browse the documents in the current library (or corpus). In categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects the same tab is where annotation activities take place and the results of the last experiment for library documents are shown.
The Resources tab is used to manage project resources. Categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects have it.
The Models tab is used to manage the models generated in the experiments. It is common to categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects.
Other tabs are specific to the type of project, you will find them described in the corresponding sections of this manual.
Manage experiments
The Experiments dropdown menu is common to categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects. It's a menu whose items depend of the project type and give access to various views on the results of experiments.
Manage libraries
The libraries dropdown menu is common to categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects. It allows changing the current library and switch to the libraries management view.
Start an experiment
Select Start an experiment to launch the experiment wizard.
The experiment wizard varies based on the type of project, for more information see:
Navigate the knowledge graph
Select Knowledge graph to open and navigate the project's knowledge graph.
Check Tech version status
In complex installations of Platform, it's possible that more Tech versions (one more recent than the other) are installed at the same time, however a project is always based on one Tech version only.
An icon in the main toolbar shows the status of the project's Tech version:
- Filled background
: available and loaded in memory
- Empty background
: available, but not loaded in memory
- Alert sign
: offline, project functionalities are limited
- Clock sign
: expired, project functionalities are limited
A Tech version is not loaded in memory immediately after it has been installed, instead it gets loaded the first time a project activity requires it. It is removed form memory when it's not used for some time.
If the Tech version is offline or expired, a project provides limited functionalities: for example, you cannot upload new documents or run experiments. To fully reactivate the Tech version a maintenance operation is required, ask the installation administrator if you need it.
Open the activity log
The activity log keeps trace of project activities. To open it:
For categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects:
- Select Activity log
- Select Activity log
For corpus and knowledge graph customization projects:
- Select the Activity log tab
Access project settings
Select Project settings to access project settings.
Check background tasks
Time-consuming operations, such as the training of models or the NLU analysis of documents during upload, are performed as background tasks, so they don't block the user interface of the Web application and you can continue working on other tasks while they are completed.
To check the status of background tasks, select Background tasks, whose icon changes based on background activities:
= No background activity
= Progress of background tasks
Check notifications
Major installation-wide activities are communicated with notifications.
To check them, select Notifications in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
Any number displayed in the icon indicates the number of unread notifications.
To open the project to which a notification refers—except in the case of project deletion—just select the notification.
User menu commands
Select the round icon with your initials to open the user menu.
Menu commands are:
For users with Owner or Administrator role.
Opens the administration dashboard. -
For users with Owner, Administrator or Advanced role.
Opens the NL Flow application in a separate tab of the browser. -
Your profile
Opens the profile settings dialog, which has these tabs:
- Your profile: here you can edit the name and surname and see the e-mail address—which doubles as your username— and the role of your user.
- Change password: here you can request a password change by selecting the Change button. If you do, you'll receive an e-mail message containing the instructions to change the password.
- Studio profile key: here you find a code that can be used in Studio to activate the interaction with Platform.
Swagger UI
For users with the Owner role.
Opens a Swagger UI page in a separate tab of the browser. This page allows you to visualize Platform API resources and use them interactively. -
User guide
Opens the Platform documentation home page where you can also find the link to open this manual.
Support portal
Opens the service desk site in a separate page of the browser. There you can manage support request tickets.
About Platform
Shows information about the version of the Platform software and its components.
Toggle dark mode
Toggles dark visualization mode.
Log out
Logs you out of the application.