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categorization property

result.match_info.rules.categorization is an array containing the results of categorization.
Each array item has the following properties:

Property Description
name Domain ID
label Domain label
score Domain score
compound Domain's compound score, depending on child to father scoring mechanism
frequency Domain score computed as a percentage of the sum of the scores of all the domains
winner Boolean value that is true, if the domain is considered a winner, false otherwise
rules Categorization rules that have been triggered

rules is an array. Its items have the following properties:

Property Description
id Rule ID is a rule identification number created during the project building. It is a compiled rule index of an array where the rules are placed. It changes after every building.
label Rule label, if any
score Fraction of the domain's score that is due to this rule's activation
scope Information about scope where the rule is activated

scope is an array. Its items have the following properties:

Property Description
begin Scope initial position in the text
end Scope final position in the text
score Fraction of the domain's score that is due to the rule's activation in this scope
operands Operands that triggered the rule in this scope

operands is an array. Its items have the following properties:

Property Description
begin Initial text position matched by the operand
end Final text position matched by the operand
operand Operand ID is an operand identification number created during the project building.

For example, consider the following text:

How Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey is made
By Lutho Pasiya Time of article published Feb 24, 2020
If you are a whiskey lover, you will know that it is a spirit produced from fermented grain and aged in the wood.
And a spirit is an alcoholic beverage in which the alcohol content has been increased by distillation.
We had a chat with Jack Daniels Master Distiller, Chris Fletcher who shared with us the process of making one of the top-selling whiskey in the world which is Jack Daniel's.

and these categorization rules:

    DOMAIN(08)  // Labeled as FOOD in the taxonomy
        ANCESTOR(102138622,100011707,103499072)//@SYN: #102138622# [food] //@SYN: #100011707# [restaurant] //@SYN: #103499072# [chef de cuisine]



    DOMAIN(06)  // Labeled as SPIRITS in the taxonomy
        ANCESTOR(100000154)//@SYN: #100000154# [alcoholic beverage]


the categorization property has the following JSON serialization:

"categorization": [
          "name": "06",
          "label": "SPIRITS",
          "score": 90,
          "compound": 90,
          "rank": 0,
          "frequency": 90.0,
          "winner": true,
          "rules": [
              "id": 13,
              "label": "",
              "score": 90,
              "scope": [
                  "begin": 0,
                  "end": 42,
                  "score": 20,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 4,
                      "end": 16
                  "begin": 0,
                  "end": 42,
                  "score": 20,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 28,
                      "end": 34
                  "begin": 99,
                  "end": 211,
                  "score": 10,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 112,
                      "end": 118
                  "begin": 213,
                  "end": 314,
                  "score": 10,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 219,
                      "end": 224
                  "begin": 213,
                  "end": 314,
                  "score": 10,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 232,
                      "end": 249
                  "begin": 213,
                  "end": 314,
                  "score": 10,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 264,
                      "end": 270
                  "begin": 316,
                  "end": 488,
                  "score": 10,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 13,
                      "begin": 445,
                      "end": 451
          "name": "08",
          "label": "FOOD",
          "score": 10,
          "compound": 10,
          "frequency": 10.0,
          "winner": true,
          "rules": [
              "id": 9,
              "label": "",
              "score": 10,
              "scope": [
                  "begin": 99,
                  "end": 211,
                  "score": 10,
                  "operands": [
                      "operand": 9,
                      "begin": 185,
                      "end": 189

In that context, the following code:

function onFinalize(result) {
    var count = result.match_info.rules.categorization.length;
    var category;

    for (i=0; i < count; i++)
        category = result.match_info.rules.categorization[i];

        if(category.label == "SPIRITS")
            category.label = "NEW SPIRITS";

    return result;

changes the label of category 06 from SPIRITS to NEW SPIRITS. The tables below show categorization results as they appear in Studio without and with the manipulation.

Category ID Label Score Frequency
08 FOOD 10 10,00%
06 SPIRITS 90 90,00%
Category ID Label Score Frequency
08 FOOD 10 10,00%
06 NEW SPIRITS 90 90,00%

This other example code:

function onFinalize(result) {
    var count = result.match_info.rules.categorization.length;
    var category;

    for (i=0; i < count; i++)
        category = result.match_info.rules.categorization[i];

        if(category.label == "FOOD")
            category.score += 15;

    return result;

adds some point to the score of the category labeled FOOD.

The tables below show categorization results as they appear in Studio without and with the manipulation.

Category ID Label Score Frequency
08 FOOD 10 10,00%
06 SPIRITS 90 90,00%
Category ID Label Score Frequency
08 FOOD 25 10,00%
06 SPIRITS 90 90,00%