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The CLEAN function returns a new set containing the domains of a specified set having a score equal or higher than a specified value.

For example, if a set variable workingSet has these contents from the sample taxonomy in the introduction:

1.01    martial art
    1.01.1  aikido
1.07    golf

and the hidden results table is the one shown in the onCategorizer introduction, then this statement:

var highScore = CLEAN(workingSet, 50);

will define and populate the highScore set with:

1.01    martial art

because domain 1.01 is the only member of set workingSet having a score equal or higher than 50. Domain 1.07 (golf), in fact, has a lower score (10) and 1.01.1 (aikido) has no score since it doesn't appear in the hidden results table.

Since the only domains with a score are those listed in the hidden results table, only a domain with a matching entry in that table can be returned.

The syntax is:

CLEAN(set, value)


  • set is a set variable.
  • value is a number.