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Functions introduction

Set functions are used to inspect and manipulate sets of domains.

Some functions return new sets, others return Boolean or numerical values. For example, the CLONE function returns a new set that is an exact copy of an existing set:

var copyOfAll;

copyOfAll = CLONE(ALL);

Meanwhile, the EMPTY function checks if a set is empty, returning a Boolean value.

var copyOfAll;

copyOfAll = CLONE(ALL);

if (EMPTY(copyOfAll)) {

Set functions can be used:

  • To give a value to set variables.
  • As arguments of other functions.
  • In complex expressions.

This is another example using Boolean functions in a complex Boolean expression:

if (EXIST(RESULTS, "98.06.") && !EXIST(RESULTS, "98.07.") && !EXIST(RESULTS, "98.08."))
    INSERT(RESULTS, "03.01.03.");
    TRANSFORM("03.01.03.", "98.06.");
    REMOVE(RESULTS, "98.06.");

The code above replaces category 98.06. with category 03.01.03. if the result set includes category 98.06. but does not include categories 98.07. and 98.08..

The available functions are listed in the following table and are described in the next pages of this section.


Don't create new global functions with the same name (case sensitive) of those listed below.

Function Use
ADD Add points to the score of a domain
CHANGESCORE Set a score for a domain
CLAN Get domains from the project's taxonomy
CLEAN Filter domains based on their score
CLONE Copy a set
DIFFERENCE Subtract a set from another
DIMENSIONS Check the size of a set
DIVIDE Divide the score of a domain by a specified value
EMPTY Check if a set is empty
EXIST Check if a set contains a domain
EXTRACT Check if a set contains domains in a list
EXTRACTSCORE Get the score of one or more domains in a set
EXTRACT2 Get a portion of a set based on position
FAMILY Get a portion of a set based on project's taxonomy
FILTER Get a portion of a set based on relative ranking
FIRST Get the top ranking domain
INSERT Add new domains to a set (with or without a starting score)
INTERSECTION Get the domains that two sets have in common
LENGTH Get the number of domains in a set
MULTIPLY Multiply the score of domains by a value
RATIO Compare the score of two domains or two sets
RATIO2 Compare the score of a domain or set with a fraction of the score of another domain/set
REMOVE Remove a domain from a set
SCORED Get a domain based on its ranking
SECOND Return the domain with the second highest score
SET Create a new set from scratch
SUBTRACT Subtract points to the score of a domain
THRESHOLD Filter set domains based on a comparison with the score of a given domain
THRESHOLD2 Filter set domains based on a comparison with a fraction of the score of a given domain
TRANSFORM Transfer scores and rule information among domains
UNION Add a set to another