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The Extraction tool window shows the extraction results of the last analysis carried out on the test document specified in the context bar.


Its panels are:

  • Records/Fields
  • Rule Details/Extraction Details
  • Rule preview

A context menu command is available on the file name:

Name Description
Copy File name Copy the file name
Copy File full path Copy the file full path

Record/Fields panel

This panel shows the extracted records and their fields.
There's a row for each record. The expand/collapse toggle switch on the left displays or hides the record's fields.

The columns are:

Column Description
Record/Fields Record or field name
Value (Only for fields) Extracted value
Count (Only for fields) Number of instances of the same value that were extracted
Rules (Only for fields) Number of rules that determined the extraction
Confidence Extraction field confidence score
Quality (Only for fields) Quality check result

The quality check result appears only if the record/field value has been set as an extraction target for the test file through annotation.

These are the icon used to describe quality check results:

Icon Name Description
Green hexagon TP True positive, the annotated target was matched
Orange hexagon FP False positive, unexpected result, no annotation for this result
Purple hexagon FN False negative, there were no results for the annotated target
W.jpg Quality undefined Incomplete match between actual extractions and targets: some values match annotations, other values don't

The toolbar contains:

Icon Name Description
Expand All Expand all the records, showing fields
Collapse All Collapse all the records, hiding fields
Search: Search criteria
Reset Reset the search criteria
01_E.jpg Find Next Display the results matching the search criteria in the Find Results tool windows
Filter and Sort When selected, the Sort by and Filter by type drop-down menus appear
Toggle Annotations Visibility Display or hide the annotation toolbar
Sort by Sort all extractions by template name or by their position in the text
Filter by type Filter your extractions by template name

The counter at the bottom of the panel shows the number of records.

This context menu is available for records:

Command Description
Copy Template name Copy the record's template name to the clipboard
Expand All Expand all the nodes
Collapse All Collapse all the nodes
Expand "XXXX" node(s) Expand all the XXXX template records
Collapse "XXXX" node(s) Collapse all the XXXX template records

This context menu is available for fields:

Command Description
Copy Template name Copy the record's template name to the clipboard
Copy Field name Copy the field name to the clipboard
Copy Value Copy the field value to the clipboard
Expand All Expand all the nodes
Collapse All Collapse all the nodes
Expand "XXXX" node(s) Expand all the XXXX template records
Collapse "XXXX" node(s) Collapse all the XXXX template records

Available mouse commands are:

Command Description
Click a column header except Quality Change sort order
Click a record Highlight all hits in the test document inside the editor
Click a field Highlight all hits in the test document inside the editor and update the other panels
Double-click a field Like single click plus a toggle action if the command is repeated: highlight the extraction rule in the source file inside the editor or highlight the rule's hits in the test document inside the editor

Annotation toolbar

This toolbar allows annotating results as extraction targets for future quality checks.

Name Description
Annotate A list to choose the template-field couple from and a box to specify the field value to annotate
Annotate Annotate the specified extraction
Annotate All Annotate all extractions of a document or specific extractions in case they are filtered with the Filter by type drop-down menu

Rule Details/Extraction Details panel

This panel has these sub-panels:

  • Rule Details
  • Extraction Details

Rule Details

This panel has two columns:

Name Description
Snippet Rule's sub-condition that was satisfied determining the hit
Label Rule label if specified in the rule


Rule labels are optional. See the language reference documentation to learn how to insert rule labels in a rule.

Clicking the rule block opens the rules file in the editor with the extraction rule highlighted. Double-click has a toggle action if the command is repeated: highlight the extraction rule or highlight the rule's hits in the test document.

Extraction Details

This panel contains a table listing all the hits for the selected field.

Table columns are:

Name Description
Text Field value
Syncon ID ID of the syncon that determined the hit
Virtual Parent Concept ID that is not present in the knowledge graph, but is recognized as specialization of ("type of") a registered concept, a so called virtual syncon
Begin Starting position
End Ending position
Sentence Sentence number
Confidence Extraction instance confidence score
Quality Quality check result


The confidence score is rounded up to a single decimal value.

Context menu commands are:

Name Description
View Syncon in Knowledge Graph (Only for syncons) Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and display the syncon
View ancestor in Knowledge Graph Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and display the entity ancestor.
Find lemma in Knowledge Graph Open the Knowledge Graph tool window and display lemma information
Copy Text Copy the extracted field value to che clipboard
Copy Syncon ID Copy the syncon ID to the clipboard
Copy Ancestor ID Copy the ancestor ID to the clipboard

Available mouse commands are:

Command Description
Click a column header Change sort order
Click a row If the editor focus is on the test document, highlight the hit
Double-click a row Toggle action if the command is repeated: highlight the extraction rule in the rules file inside the editor or highlight the rule's hits in the test document inside the editor

Rule preview panel

This panel allows the user to see the rule code without the need to open the source file in the editor.


Text selection is available.

A context menu is available:

Command Description
Copy All Text Copy the entire rule
Select All Text Select the entire rule
Copy Selected Text Copy the selected text