Behavioral Traits Knowledge Model
The models of the Behavioral Traits family categorize a document based on personality traits and attitudes.
The following models are available:
Language | Display name |
English | Behavioral Traits EN v# |
German | Behavioral Traits DE v# |
Italian | Behavioral Traits IT v# |
The taxonomy in divided into seven categories:
- Sociality
- Action
- Openness
- Consciousness
- Ethics
- Capability
- Moderation
Each category has three levels of polarity:
- Low
- Fair
- High
indicating to which degree the behavioral trait belongs to the category that represents it.
Categorization and taxonomy
1000 Sociality
1100 Sociality low
1101 Asociality
1102 Impoliteness
1103 Ungratefulness
1104 Emotionality
1105 Isolation
1106 Disagreement
1200 Sociality fair
1201 Seriousness
1202 Introversion
1203 Unreservedness
1204 Humour
1205 Sexuality
1300 Sociality high
1301 Extroversion
1302 Pleasantness
1303 Trustfulness
1304 Gratefulness
1305 Empathy
2000 Action
2100 Action low
2101 Sedentariness
2102 Passivity
2200 Action fair
2201 Calmness
2300 Action high
2301 Initiative
2302 Dynamism
3000 Openness
3100 Openness low
3101 Rejection
3102 Apathy
3103 Apprehension
3104 Traditionalism
3105 Conformism
3106 Negativity
3107 Bias
3200 Openness fair
3201 Cautiousness
3300 Openness high
3301 Progressiveness
3302 Acceptance
3303 Courage
3304 Positivity
3305 Curiosity
4000 Consciousness
4100 Consciousness low
4101 Superficiality
4102 Unawareness
4103 Disorganization
4104 Insecurity
4105 Ignorance
4106 Illusion
4300 Consciousness high
4301 Awareness
4302 Spirituality
4303 Concern
4304 Knowledge
4305 Self-confidence
4306 Organization
5000 Ethics
5100 Ethics low
5101 Violence
5102 Extremism
5103 Discrimination
5104 Dishonesty
5105 Neglect
5106 Unlawfulness
5107 Irresponsibility
5300 Ethics high
5301 Inclusiveness
5302 Honesty
5303 Compassion
5304 Commitment
5305 Lawfulness
5306 Solidarity
6000 Capability
6100 Capability low
6101 Lack of intelligence
6102 Inexperience
6103 Incompetence
6200 Capability fair
6201 Rationality
6300 Capability high
6301 Smartness
6302 Creativity
6303 Competence
7000 Moderation
7100 Moderation low
7101 Dissoluteness
7102 Gluttony
7103 Materialism
7104 Addiction
7200 Moderation fair
7201 Healthy lifestyle
7300 Moderation high
7301 Self-restraint
1000 Geselligkeit
1100 Geselligkeit niedrig
1101 Ungeselligkeit
1102 Unhöflichkeit
1103 Undankbarkeit
1104 Empfindlichkeit
1105 Vereinsamung
1106 Meinungsverschiedenheit
1200 Geselligkeit fair
1201 Ernsthaftigkeit
1202 Introvertiertheit
1203 Unverblümtheit
1204 Humor
1205 Sexualität
1300 Geselligkeit hoch
1301 Extravertiertheit
1302 Freundlichkeit
1303 Zutraulichkeit
1304 Dankbarkeit
1305 Einfühlung
2000 Aktivität
2100 Aktivität niedrig
2101 Faulheit
2102 Passivität
2200 Aktivität fair
2201 Gelassenheit
2300 Aktivität hoch
2301 Tatendrang
2302 Tatkraft
3000 Aufgeschlossenheit
3100 Aufgeschlossenheit niedrig
3101 Ablehnung
3102 Gleichgültigkeit
3103 Besorgtheit
3104 Traditionalismus
3105 Konformismus
3106 Pessimismus
3107 Voreingenommenheit
3200 Aufgeschlossenheit fair
3201 Vorsichtigkeit
3300 Aufgeschlossenheit hoch
3301 Fortschrittlichkeit
3302 Akzeptanz
3303 Mut
3304 Optimismus
3305 Neugier
4000 Bewusstheit
4100 Bewusstheit niedrig
4101 Oberflächlichkeit
4102 Unwissenheit
4103 Unordnung
4104 Verunsicherung
4105 Ignoranz
4106 Illusion
4300 Bewusstheit hoch
4301 Bewusstsein
4302 Spiritualität
4303 Besorgnis
4304 Kenntnis
4305 Selbstbewusstsein
4306 Ordnung
5000 Ethik
5100 Ethik niedrig
5101 Gewalttätigkeit
5102 Extremismus
5103 Diskriminierung
5104 Unehrlichkeit
5105 Vernachlässigung
5106 Ungesetzlichkeit
5107 Verantwortungslosigkeit
5300 Ethik hoch
5301 Inklusion
5302 Ehrlichkeit
5303 Mitgefühl
5304 Engagement
5305 Gesetzlichkeit
5306 Solidarität
6000 Leistungsvermögen
6100 Leistungsvermögen niedrig
6101 Einfältigkeit
6102 Unerfahrenheit
6103 Unfähigkeit
6200 Leistungsvermögen fair
6201 Vernünftigkeit
6300 Leistungsvermögen hoch
6301 Klugheit
6302 Kreativität
6303 Kompetenz
7000 Konsumverhalten
7100 Konsumverhalten niedrig
7101 Ausschweifung
7102 Essgier
7103 Materialismus
7104 Sucht
7200 Konsumverhalten fair
7201 Gesunde Lebensweise
7300 Konsumverhalten hoch
7301 Selbstbeherrschung
1000 Socievolezza
1100 Socievolezza - livello basso
1101 Asocialità
1102 Maleducazione
1103 Ingratitudine
1104 Irascibilità
1105 Isolamento
1106 Disaccordo
1200 Socievolezza - livello medio
1201 Serietà
1202 Introversione
1203 Indiscrezione
1204 Ironia
1205 Sessualità
1300 Socievolezza - livello alto
1301 Estroversione
1302 Affabilità
1303 Affidabilità
1304 Gratitudine
1305 Empatia
2000 Intraprendenza
2100 Intraprendenza - livello basso
2101 Sedentarietà
2102 Passività
2200 Intraprendenza - livello medio
2201 Calma
2300 Intraprendenza - livello alto
2301 Iniziativa
2302 Dinamicità
3000 Apertura mentale
3100 Apertura mentale - livello basso
3101 Rifiuto
3102 Apatia
3103 Apprensione
3104 Tradizionalismo
3105 Conformismo
3106 Negatività
3107 Faziosità e preconcetto
3200 Apertura mentale - livello medio
3201 Cautela
3300 Apertura mentale - livello alto
3301 Progressismo
3302 Accettazione
3303 Coraggio
3304 Positività
3305 Curiosità
4000 Consapevolezza
4100 Consapevolezza - livello basso
4101 Superficialità
4102 Incoscienza
4103 Disorganizzazione
4104 Insicurezza
4105 Ignoranza
4106 Illusione
4300 Consapevolezza - livello alto
4301 Coscienziosità
4302 Spiritualità
4303 Preoccupazione
4304 Conoscenza
4305 Sicurezza di sé
4306 Organizzazione
5000 Etica
5100 Etica - livello basso
5101 Violenza
5102 Estremismo
5103 Discriminazione
5104 Disonestà
5105 Negligenza
5106 Illegalità
5107 Irresponsabilità
5300 Etica - livello alto
5301 Inclusività
5302 Onestà
5303 Compassione
5304 Impegno
5305 Legalità
5306 Solidarietà
6000 Competenza
6100 Competenza - livello basso
6101 Ottusità
6102 Inesperienza
6103 Incompetenza
6200 Competenza - livello medio
6201 Razionalità
6300 Competenza - livello alto
6301 Intelligenza
6302 Creatività
6303 Capacità tecnica
7000 Moderazione
7100 Moderazione - livello basso
7101 Dissolutezza
7102 Golosità
7103 Materialismo
7104 Dipendenza
7200 Moderazione - livello medio
7201 Stile di vita sano
7300 Moderazione - livello alto
7301 Astensione
Categories at the first and the second level of the hierarchy work as super-groups and sub-groups.
Only the categories at the third level of the hierarchy—the leaf categories—are predicted, but the full path starting from the super-group is returned as an additional property for each category.
Grouping is purely ontological. The names of the groups have no positive or negative connotations: in particular, the high, fair and low qualifications in sub-groups are not to be interpreted as a moral judgment, but as the intensity with which encompassed behavioral traits represent the super-group.
Output structure
The model output has the same structure as any other model and is affected by the functional properties of the workflow block.
The peculiar part of the output is the result of categorization, i.e. the categories
As stated above, the categories that can be returned in output—the recognized behavioral traits—are only those at the 3rd level of the hierarchy, the "leaves" of the tree.
The 1st and 2nd level categories are used to group the others. The information of the group and sub-group a behavioral trait belongs to is available in output in the hierarchy
property, which represents the full path of the output category inside the tree.
For example:
"frequency": 75.25,
"hierarchy": [
"Moderation low",
"id": "7102",
"label": "Gluttony"
Considering the following text:
Research commissioned by Newsround has found that 10-12 year-olds feel worried and pressured about looking good in the photos they share on social media. The majority take at least four selfies before choosing one to share, and three quarters say they edit photos before posting them. But what's shaping their attitudes?
the categorization is:
"categories": [
"frequency": 0,
"hierarchy": [
"Action high",
"id": "2301",
"label": "Initiative",
"namespace": "behavioral_traits_en",
"positions": [
"end": 209,
"start": 201
"score": 10,
"winner": true
"frequency": 0,
"hierarchy": [
"Openness low",
"id": "3103",
"label": "Apprehension",
"namespace": "behavioral_traits_en",
"positions": [
"end": 78,
"start": 71
"end": 98,
"start": 93
"score": 40,
"winner": true