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Create a service account

To create a service account:

  1. Select the icon with your initials in the upper right corner of the page to open the user menu.
  2. Choose Administration to open the view with the same name.
  3. Select the Service accounts tab on the vertical menu of the left of the page.
  4. Select New service account on the Service accounts panel. Fill the form in the right page of the page as follows:

    • In the Client ID field enter the identifier of the service. Use lowercase and avoid spaces.
    • In the Name field enter a mnemonic name for the service.
    • Choose the role from the Role drop-down menu.
    • In the Description field optionally enter a description for the service.
  5. Select Create.
    A dialog will appear confirming the creation of the new account and showing the client secret.

  6. Select Copy to clipboard to copy the client secret to the clipboard.

  7. Paste and store the contents of the clipboard in a safe place, for example a password manager, because this is the only time you will see the client secret in NL Flow, although you will still be able to regenerate it by editing the account.

You can now view and edit the properties of the newly created account.
Read the the article dedicated to the topic to find out how to practically use the service account properties.