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Manage entity definitions


You manage the contents of TXT list types in the Resources tab of the project dashboard. Select the list in the left panel to start working on its entity definitions.

Add an entity definition

To add an entity definition:

  1. Select Add on the right, below the project dashboard. The Add entities dialog will appear.
  2. Put the cursor inside Enter lemmas and type one or more lemmas. Lemmas can contain spaces. Use the pipe character (|) to separate multiple lemmas.
  3. Select Add new entity to add another entity without exiting the dialog.

  4. Use the X button to remove an entity.

  5. Select Create. The new definition will appear in the list.

Edit an entity definition

To edit an entity definition, select it, then:

  1. Select Edit .
  2. Put the cursor inside the text box and:

    • Use Backspace to delete lemmas.
    • Type to add lemmas, press Enter after each lemma.

  3. Select Save.

Delete an entity definition

To delete an entity definition, select it, then select Delete .

Search for an entity definition

To search for entity definitions, use the search bar in the upper right corner. Your search criteria must contain at least three characters.

To reset the search criteria, select the X icon on the right, below the project dashboard.