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The list view and its variants


The list view is the default when you select the Documents tab in the dashboard toolbar.
It shows the documents of the current library—the one selected on the toolbar—and can display experiment output data for that library. The name of the experiment, if one was selected, is displayed above the left panel.

Directly under the dashboard toolbar there is a strip with two bars: the toolbar to switch to other views (detail and analytics ), with the name of any selected experiment, and the search bar.

The main part of the view consists of two or three panels.
The left panel shows facets and allows you to drill down to interesting documents.
At the center of the view there is the list of documents, with its own toolbars.
In case of categorization projects, on the right there is the Resources panel.

Some of the tasks you can perform in this view are described below, but you can also:


  • In case an experiment has been performed, on the right of the analyzed documents there are performance date and time.
  • In case a document has been annotated, the user icon who annotated it is visible. Hover over the user icon for further details.

Sort the document list

To sort the document list by relevance or by file name, in ascending or descending order, choose the corresponding option from the drop-down menu on top of the document list.

Most relevant terms

Above the document list, the MOST RELEVANT TERMS strips list the terms that were deemed as specially representative of the document during the analysis of the text.

To toggle the display of the list, select Disable most relevant terms suggestion and Enable most relevant terms suggestion on the toolbar below the search bar.

To add a term to the search criteria and immediately trigger a search, double-click the term.


Facets are information about documents that are interesting to know in themselves and can be used as filters to perform faceted search, a way of drilling down the list of documents until leaving only those with certain characteristics.
Among the facets there are always the text features extracted by the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) analysis that is part of the upload procedure.
In the context of an experiment, facets also include the results of the experiment itself (categories in categorization projects, classes's values in extraction projects and detected concepts in thesaurus projects).
If there are any annotations of expected results, those are also listed as facets.

Entities and tokens

All documents go through a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) analysis during upload to recognize named entities and get semantic, lexical and keyword information about text tokens, so, whichever the project type, this information is available in the Entities and Tokens tabs of the left panel.

In the Entitites tab you find an item for each named entities type or group of types. For example, Geography and Organizations are groups of types: the former includes buildings and environments, the latter companies and mass media.

Entity types for which no occurrence was found in the document set are grayed out.

In the Tokens tab you will find all the other information obtained from the text tokens of the documents during the NLU analysis.

Next to each item, the number of occurrences in the current—possibly filtered—set of documents is displayed. In case of large values, this number can be approximated: approximate numbers are preceded by the tilde sign.

To expand the list of values for an item, select it or select Open . Select Go Back beside the item name to collapse the list of values.

If the type represents a group of sub-types, like Organizations, multiple lists will be displayed.

If a sub-list appears truncated, select Open beside the type name to give the list maximum vertical space. Select Close to revert to previous visualization.

To add an item to the search criteria and immediately trigger a search, double-click the item.

To filter the list of values, type a value or the initial part of it in the Filter list box and press Enter. The match is case sensitive. Select the X icon inside the box to cancel the filter. In case of multiple lists—as for the entity type Organizations—, the total number of items will be displayed in parentheses next to the number of filtered items.

To change the sort order, select the desired option from the drop-down menu at the top right of the list.

For lemmas, main lemmas and syncons, if you want to look up the knowledge graph, hover over the item and choose Search lemma in knowledge graph or Search syncon in knowledge graph . The list view of the knowledge graph navigator opens. In the case of a lemma, the lemma is used as a search criterion and all the syncons for all the concepts that can be expressed with that lemma are shown. In the case of a syncon, the concept is punctually shown.

For syncons, if you want more information, hover over the item and select Show information . A pop-up appears showing the part of speech, the language, any gloss and the list of terms used to express the concept. To make the poop-up disappear, just click outside it.

Other tabs

While the Entities and Tokens tabs are common to all project types except for Knowledge Graph customization projects, there are some tabs that are unique based on the project type:

Context view

The context view displays a list of textual contexts, each one focused on an annotation or an extraction. This view is available for extraction and thesaurus projects.


The context view is activated only if there are annotations and in strict match strategy (in Extraction projects).

In context view it is possible to annotate. See Annotate in context view for extraction projects or Annotate in context view for thesaurus projects.

Switch from list view to context view

  • To switch to the context view:

    • Select Show context view on the toolbar at the top of the document list.


    1. Select:

      • The Classes tab, if in an extraction project.


      • The Thesaurus tab, if in a thesaurus project.
    2. Hover over:

      • The class of interest, if in an extraction project.


      • The concept of interest, if in a thesaurus project.
    3. Select Context view .

    Or, to directly apply the context view to a specific class value in an extraction project:

    1. Select:

      • The Classes tab, if in an extraction project.


      • The Thesaurus tab, if in a thesaurus project.
    2. Select the chevron icon to expand the class of interest.

    3. Hover over a value below Extractions or Annotations and select Context view .
  • To switch to the list view, select Show documents view .

  • To switch to the detail view:

    • Select View document .


    • Select the document name in the central panel.

Populate the list

To populate the list:

  1. Select:

    • The Classes tab in the left panel if in an extraction project.


    • The Thesaurus tab in the left panel if in a thesaurus project.
  2. Expand the class of interest if in extraction project.

  3. Select the checkbox at the left of the values of interest.


You can select either single class values or a whole class.

Depopulate the list

To depopulate the list:

  • Deselect the classes or the concepts check-boxes, depending if in extraction or thesaurus projects.


  • Deselect the classes or the concepts check-boxes, depending if in extraction or thesaurus projects, from the Context drop-down menu above the document list.

Open a document from context view

Opening a document from the the context view causes the switch to the detail view.

To open a document:

  • Select the file name of a document in the list.


  • Select at least one context in the document box in the list and then select View document view at the top left of the document list.

Other operations

  • Select Show all documents to show all documents.
  • Use the drop-down menus to sort the documents by language and relevance.

Export facets

To export facets to a JSON file:

  1. Select Export on the left panel toolbar. The Export facets dialog appears.

  2. Inside the Export tab, in the upper part of the dialog:

    • Type a filename or confirm the suggested one.
    • Set the number of items to export
  3. Inside the Resources tab, in the lower part of the dialog, select the definitions and/or the annotations of project resources to export.

  4. Inside the Entities and Tokens tab, in the lower part of the dialog, select the types of named entities and/or the types of token information to export.
  5. Select Export. The focus goes to the Download tab in the upper part of the dialog.

    After the operation is completed, the number of downloadable exports inside the Download tab label is updated and the new download-ready export is listed below.

  6. Select Download beside the export to download the file or Remove to delete the export.

Delete a document

To delete a document, select it from the list then select Delete document on the toolbar

Switch to the detail view

To switch to the detail view:

  • Double-click a document in the list.


  • Select a document file name in the list.


  • Select a document in the list and select View document view.

Check project analytics

Select Analytics to switch to analytics view. More information in the article dedicated to analytics for each project type that supports them: