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The detail view and its variants


The detail view in the Documents tab of the project dashboard is an alternative to the list view and is focused on a document.

The upper part of the view is in common with the other views of the Documents tab: on the left the toolbar to switch to the other views (list and analytics) and the name of any selected experiment, then—in the default visualization—the search bar.

The current set of documents is shown in the left panel, with the selected document at the top.
The central area displays the text of the current document.

The selected document is the one that was current in the source view, for example the list view. The current document is the one that is selected in the list of the left and initially coincides with the selected document, then it can be changed by selecting another document from the list.

The right panel lists information about the current document: those obtained from the NLU analysis carried out during document upload, any annotations and—if an experiment has been selected—any output of the experiment model such as categories or extractions.

The list of documents

The list of documents on the left is affected by any search criteria and filters.

Below the button to manage the presence-absence filter, you will find the number of selected documents and two drop-downs:

  • With the first you can filter documents by language.
  • With the second you can sort the list in ascending or descending order with respect to:

    • File name
    • Relevance to the search criteria
    • Number of annotations
    • Number of experiment results (categories or extractions)

The document above the list is the selected document. As mentioned before, this is the document that was current in the source view of the Documents tab, which, by default, is the list view.

The list of documents may or may not include the selected document based on current search criteria and filters. This is why the selected document has a marker that indicates whether is present (green marker ) or absent (red marker ) in the list.
The language is indicated for each document.
For the documents in the list, information relating to annotation and to the experiment—such as the categories or the number of extractions—is reported below the text abstract. In the case of categories, the first two are shown: if there are more, the number of excess categories preceded by the plus sign is displayed on the right.

Between the selected document and the list there is a box that allows you to filter the list by document name. Type at least three characters, the match is case sensitive. Select the X icon on the right to cancel the filter.

To change the current document, select another document from the list.
When you change the current document, the selected document is unaffected. To change the selected document, double-click a document in the list.


If you change the selected document, it will also become the new current document in the source view.

The central panel

The central panel shows the text of the current document together with summary information and controls for performing operations on the document.

Below you will find the description of panel elements that are common to all project types and don't have to do with annotation activities. Annotation controls are described in the sections of this manual that pertain to categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects.

First bar

In the default visualization, the topmost bar of the central panel contains:

  • On the left:

    • The position of the current document and the total number of documents in the list.
    • The controls to move from one document to the next or previous in the list.
    • The language of the current document.
    • The name of the source file of the current document.
  • On the right:

    • The buttons to alternatively show, in the right panel, information about the document (Value button ) or the list of related documents (Related documents button ).
    • (For categorization, extraction and thesaurus projects) The toggle button to display or hide document's sections.
    • Other buttons that are unique to the project type.
    • The button to toggle Pdf document view, when available.
    • An ellipsis button that opens a menu. The menu commands that are common to all types of projects are:

      • Copy to clipboard to copy the text of the document to the clipboard.
      • Show original text spacing to toggle the display of white space—blanks, empty lines—which is present if the original file but is not shown by default.
      • Show condensed document: to toggle condensed document view.
      • Delete document to delete the document.
    • The button to toggle immersive view.

In immersive and Pdf document views:

  1. This toolbar merges with the above toolbar and with the presence/absence filter toggle switch in a new toolbar that spans all the width of the page.
  2. The search bar disappears, but search criteria are still visible inside the presence/absence filter.

Also, in immersive view, a button allowing the search of text in the current document is made available.
To find and highlight all occurrences of a string in the text of the current document:

  1. Select Find text .
  2. Enter at least three characters in the Find text box and press Enter. The match is case insensitive. Select the X icon to cancel the operation.

Second bar

In the default visualization, the second horizontal bar from the top in the central panel shows summary information about the document.

The main Knowledge Graph topics the document is about are always displayed.
To toggle the display of main sentences, file size, text size, upload time and upload author select Show more or Hide details to the right of the main topics.

In immersive and Pdf document views this bar is not displayed.

Third bar

In the default visualization, the third horizontal bar from the top in the central panel shows project-type specific controls and a box that allows you to search the text of the document.
To find and highlight all occurrences of a string in the text of the current document enter at least three characters in the Find text box and press Enter. The match is case insensitive. Select the X icon to cancel the operation.

In immersive and Pdf document views this bar is not displayed, but in categorization projects some controls and the contents of the fourth bar (see below) are merged in the only remaining bar of the central panel.

Fourth bar

The fourth bar from the top in the central panel is unique to categorizations projects and is displayed only in the context of an experiment. It shows output categories and annotated categories.

In immersive and Pdf document views the contents of this bar move to the only remaining bar of the central panel together with the annotation controls from the third bar (see above).

Text area

The text area is where you can read the document, see highlighted information and perform annotation activities for extraction and thesaurus projects.
Its variants, the condensed document view, the immersive view and the Pdf document view, are described below.

Bottom bar

The bottom bar below the text area contains annotation information and controls plus the validation toggle switch.

The right panel

Entities and tokens

All documents go through a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) analysis during upload to recognize named entities and get semantic, lexical and keyword information about text tokens, so, whichever the project type, this information is available in the Entities and Tokens tabs of the right panel.

The Entities tab lists recognized named entities grouped by type.

The number next to the entity type is the number of recognized entities, while the number next to each entity is the number of occurrences.

To filter the list of values, type a value or the initial part of it in the Filter list box and press Enter. The match is case sensitive. Select the X icon inside the box to cancel the filter.
To change the sort order, select the desired option from the drop-down menu at the top right of the list.

In the Tokens tab you will find all the other information obtained from the text tokens of the documents during the NLU analysis.

Each type of information corresponds to a list of values.
The number next to the information type is the number of distinct values, while the number next to each value—not available for main lemmas—is the number of occurrences of the value.
Except for the tree visualization of Main Syncon Labels and for Syncons, when the list is expanded you can:

  • Filter the list by typing a value or the initial part of it in the Filter list box and pressing Enter. The match is case sensitive. Select the X icon inside the box to cancel the filter.
  • Change the sort order selecting the desired option from the drop-down menu at the top right of the list.

When you expand Main Syncon Labels, the labels of the main concepts expressed in the text are shown in hierarchical form, by default using a tree.

Only leaf items, if selected, are highlighted in the text. To switch between the tree view and a row view, use the button to the right of the panel title bar .

To look up a lemmas—or main lemma—or a syncon in the project's knowledge graph, hover over the item and choose Search lemma in knowledge graph or Search syncon in knowledge graph . The list view of the knowledge graph navigator opens. In the case of a lemma, it is used as a search criterion and all the syncons for all the concepts that can be expressed with that lemma are shown.

To get information about a syncon, hover over the item and select Show information . A pop-up appears showing information like the part of speech, the language, any gloss and the list of terms used to express the concept.

For both Entities and Tokens:

  • To toggle the highlight of the occurrences of an item in the text, select and deselect the item.

    Basic highlighting of the occurrences of named entities and token information is done using a dashed underline plus the abbreviation of the item type name below it. Both the underline and the abbreviation have the same color of the chip representing the item type in the right panel.

    Multiple selection of items, possibly of different types, is possible, and doesn't require pressing Ctrl or Shift.
    To highlight all the occurrences of all the named entities of a given type, select the entity type.

    The total number of selected items in both tabs is displayed in the upper right corner of the right panel


    To de-select all the items, removing the corresponding highlights, select the X icon inside the counter.

  • To add an item to the search criteria and trigger a search, double-click the item.

    The document list is updated.

    Occurrences of the search criteria items are highlighted, but, compared to basic highlighting (see above), the text is bold and the item type abbreviation below the underline is boxed in a colored chip.

Other information

The other tabs in the right panel show information that is peculiar of the project type:

To show a list of documents that are semantically related to the current document, select Related documents related on the toolbar above the document text. The list of related documents is displayed in the right panel.

Select show more and show less beside the text abstract of a related document in the list or repeatedly select the abstract to toggle the display of a greater portion of document text.

To make a document the new selected document, double-click it.

To change the sort order select the preferred option from the drop-down menu at the top right.

To show again the original tabs in the right pane, select Value value.


Condensed document

Condensed document view shows only the portions of the text containing highlights. It's therefore only available if there are highlights.

To toggle condensed view, select or deselect Show condensed document in the ellipsis drop-down menu.

The highlighting of entities, tokens, classes values and concept expressions works as described above about entities and tokens.
If you highlight an item occurring in s that are not displayed, those phrases are added to the view.

Immersive view

The immersive view has more space for the document text doing without some elements of the GUI such as the document list on the left.

To switch to the immersive view, select Open immersive view on the second bar.

The immersive view also makes available the raw results of the NLU analysis carried out during document upload.
To display the analysis output select Data model view on the second bar. A JSON is displayed in the right panel.

  • To download the JSON select on the panel toolbar.
  • To expand and collapse the keys of the JSON:

    • Select Expand all and Collapse all on the panel toolbar.


    • Expand and collapse the keys in the JSON by using the arrow buttons on their left.
  • To copy the JSON To the clipboard select Copy result to clipboard on the panel toolbar.

  • To restore the previous view of the right panel, select Document view on the second bar.

To switch back to the detail view, select Close immersive view .

The highlighting of entities, tokens, classes values and concept expressions works as described above about entities and tokens.

Pdf document view

Pdf document view is an immersive view for PDF documents that shows a graphical rendering of the document. It's available only if the Pdf document view option was enabled at upload time. In that case, it's the default visualization when you open a PDF document in detail view.

  • To toggle this view, select Pdf document view .

  • The highlighting of entities, tokens, classes values and concept expressions works as described above about entities and tokens.
    The look of highlighted text is slightly different from other document views.

    On the left of the highlighted area there's a color strip color corresponding to the color of the chip of the item in the right panel. To expand the strip to a chip corresponding to the item type, hover over the strip.

    The chip is collapsed when you move the cursor away from the highlight.

The toolbar above the document allows you to navigate the document and control visualization.

  • To toggle the sidebar, which contains navigation thumbnails and the search box, select Toggle sidebar . Inside the sidebar:

    • To toggle the display of navigation thumbnails select Show thumbnails .
      To go to a page, select its thumbnail.

    • To display the search box select Show search .
      To start the search type inside the box and press Enter. The first page where the string occurs is displayed, with occurrences of the string highlighted in the text, and the sidebar disappears. To see the number of matches and a snippet of each match, select Toggle sidebar .

  • To scroll the document continuously you can use the scroll bar, the up and down arrow keys or the mouse wheel.

  • To scroll the document page by page:

    • Use the PageUp and PageDown keys.
    • Use the page control on the toolbar, which shows the current page number and the total number of pages:

      • Select Previous page or Next page .


      • Select the page number from the drop-down list.
  • To zoom the document use the zoom control on the toolbar:

    • Select the desired zoom level from the drop-down list.

    Or, after you selected a percentage zoom level from the drop down list:

    • Select Zoom out and Zoom in to decrease or increase the zoom percentage.
  • To change the visual layout of document pages use the layout control on the toolbar:

    You can choose between:

    • Continuous: single page continuous layout.
    • Presentation: single page layout.
    • Magazine: side-by-side two page layout.


    In Presentation and Magazine layout you cannot scroll through the pages with the mouse.

Switch to other views

To switch to other views of current library's documents, use the toolbar of the left panel: