Use other projects
Similarly to what can be done with knowledge sources, it is possible to enrich a thesaurus with concepts and labels from other thesaurus projects of which you have visibility.
Create concepts
When you create a concept starting from another thesaurus, the new concept has a preferred label which is a copy—or clone—of that of the source concept, while any alternative labels are linked.
Linked labels, displayed in a specific way, are not included if you export the thesaurus, but can be considered as part of the thesaurus when training models with experiments. To make them fully part of the thesaurus you can clone them later (see below).
To create a concept that is a copy of another project's concept:
Use one of these commands:
- Create concept from external source
in the Resources panel.
- The blue chain button
under BROADER CONCEPTS, NARROWER CONCEPTS and RELATED CONCEPTS in the Relations tab of the Edit Concept panel.
The Create concept from external source dialog opens where you can choose a broader concept from the taxonomy. If you make no choice, the new concept will be a child of the root node.
However, if you have used the blue chain button under BROADER CONCEPTS, NARROWER CONCEPTS or RELATED CONCEPTS, the new concept will also be a broader, narrower or non hierarchically related concept of the current concept. - Create concept from external source
Select Next, the Create concept from source dialog is displayed.
Select the Projects tab listing your thesaurus projects and the thesaurus that have been shared with you.
For each listed project you have this information:
- Thesaurus name.
- Last edit author.
- The number of resources
- The project languages
- The sharing icon
indicating the project is shared with other members. Select the icon to see the project members.
Select the thesaurus you want to take the concept from. The taxonomy tree for that project will appear in a strip named Resources in the middle of the dialog.
In Resources strip:
- Use the expand
or the collapse
buttons to the left of nodes or Expand node
and Collapse node
to the right to expand and collapse nodes.
- Select a node to use its name as a search criteria for the search panel on the left.
- Use the expand
Use the search pane to find interesting concepts:
- Type a string in the search box.
- Select URI or Label to define the attribute of the concept that is the scope of the search.
Use the drop down to choose how the attribute in scope must match the text you type in the search box:
- Exact match: be exactly equal to the typed string.
- Starts match: start with the typed string.
- Ends match: end with the typed string.
- By word (only for labels): contain one or more words that exactly match the typed string.
- Starts by word (only for labels): contain one or more words that start with the typed string.
- End by word (only for labels): contain one or more words that end with the typed string.
- Any (only for labels): contain the typed string, no matter where.
Toggle Pref. , Alt. and Hid. to apply the search criteria to preferred, alternative and hidden labels.
- In case of multi-language thesaurus, use the languages drop-down menu to filter results by language.
- Press
to run the search. Concepts matching the search criteria will be listed. You can use the X buttonto cancel the search.
Select a concept in the list then select Create concept.
The new concept is displayed in the tree inside the Resources panel on the left and becomes the current concept in the Edit Concept panel.
Its labels appear in the Labels tab and you will notice that:
- A tab named Cross project links is available.
- The preferred label is displayed with a white background, meaning that it is an integral part of the thesaurus because it is a clone of the preferred label of the source concept.
- Any alternative labels are displayed with a gray background and a chain icon with a blue background
, indicating that they are labels linked from another thesaurus.
Link concepts
Linking a concept belonging to another project to a concept in your project means adding the labels of the source concept to the target concept as links.
Select Link an external source on the toolbar of the Edit Concept panel. The Link to source dialog appears.
Proceed as in the case of the Create concept from external source dialog that appears when creating a concept from another thesaurus (see above), but here you have to select Link to source when finished.
While any alternative labels, as in the case of creating a concept, will appear with a gray background and will be considered linked, in this case also the preferred label of the source concept will be added and will be a linked label.
Manage linked labels
To get information on the origin of a linked label, select the icon with the chain on a blue background .
To clone a linked label so that it fully becomes part of the thesaurus, hover over the label and select Clone label on current concept . The linked label is replaced by an equivalent normal label.
To copy a linked label to the clipboard hover over the label and select Copy item to clipboard .
Linked labels cannot be deleted individually. To remove them, unlink the concept as explained below.
Manage the links
In tab Cross project links of the Edit Concept panel you will find the list of concepts linked from other thesauri.
On the left of each item you will find information on the concept (on the left) and on its source (on the right).
To delete the link with a knowledge source select Unlink concept. All linked labels deriving from the link—that have not been cloned—are deleted.
If you unlink a concept that is also in the thesaurus tree, the concept remains in the tree.
If a linked concept is removed from the source project, a "shadow" entry will be left in the Cross project links tab.
If you want to try to replace the concept with one having the same URI present in another project, select Find URI in available projects.