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Edit corpus settings


To change the corpus settings:

  • Select Settings .


  1. In the main dashboard, select a corpus.
  2. In the Corpus info area, select Edit .

Corpus name

To change the corpus name, in the General tab, enter the corpus name and the optional description, then select Save.

Project sharing

In case you need to change the sharing properties only, in the main dashboard:

  1. Select a corpus.
  2. In the Corpus info area, select Share .


Share the corpus with a team member and grant permissions

In the Sharing tab:

  1. Enter the email address or the name under Team members.
  2. Select the permissions to grant under Permissions:
    • Edit documents and libraries .
    • Settings .
  3. Select Add.
  4. Select Save to confirm.

Revoke or grant permissions or remove a collaborator

  1. Select the permissions drop-down menu of a member from the Collaborators list.

    • To grant or revoke the permissions, respectively check or uncheck one or more of the following:

      • Edit documents and libraries.
      • Settings.
    • To remove the team member, select Remove from corpus.

    • Select Save to confirm.