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Tunnel operator


The Tunnel operator is used to create invisible connections between portions of a complex workflow to keep it visually compact. So, if the diagram is going to be large, you can break it in smaller pieces and connect them using tunnels.

To make this connection, it is necessary to insert two Tunnel blocks which can be considered, respectively, the "entrance" and the "exit" of the tunnel. At runtime it will be as if the tunnel does not exist: the data will flow from the block before the entrance to the block after the exit.

Old version

There are two versions of the component available: the latest and 1.0.0. This version is present for backward compatibility with old workflows created with previous versions of NL Flow. For new workflows always use the latest version.

Block properties

Block properties can be set by editing the block.
A Tunnel operator block has these properties:

  • Block name
  • Component version (read only)
  • Block ID (read only)
  • Ref: the reference name of the tunnel.

Define the tunnel

To define a tunnel:

  1. Place the "entrance" block and connect it to the previous block.
  2. Place the "exit" block and connect it to the next block.
  3. Edit the two Tunnel blocks and set their Ref property to the same value.