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Browse runtimes

The Runtimes view of the dashboard shows all the public runtime items plus the private runtime items that you own or have been shared with you. The list is on the left side of the page. At the top of the list is the number of runtime items.

For each runtime item, the colored identification icon, the name, the status, the number of API keys associated with published workflows and the number of published workflows are shown.
If the runtime item is private, a lock icon is displayed over the colored icon.
The runtime status is represented by a colored dot, and the color of the dot corresponds to the status as follows:

Color Meaning
Gray The runtime has never connected to the complete installation of NL Flow. This could mean that the runtime has not been installed yet, has never been started, has not been configured correctly or there are network issues—for example firewall blocks—that are preventing the runtime from connecting.
Red The runtime connected at least once to the complete installation of NL Flow, but it's not communicating currently. This may mean that it has been turned off, is experimenting some issue or there is a networking problem.
Green The runtime is communicating regularly with the complete installation of NL Flow, so it is available for publishing, testing and unpublishing workflows.
  • To change the sort order of the list, choose from the drop-down menu at the top of the list.
  • To filter the list by name, type something in the search box above the list and press Enter: the list is reduced to only runtime items whose name contains what you typed.
    To clear the filter, select the X icon to the right of the search box or clear the search box and press Enter.

The central part of the page shows general information about the selected runtime and the list of workflows that are—or have been—published to it. General information includes:

  • Information coming from the runtime and "pushed" to NL Flow:

    • The version of the runtime software.
    • The status of the runtime (see above).
    • The publishing modes that the runtime supports (synchronous and/or asynchronous) and whether autoscaling of asynchronous workflows—and hence Eco and Sport modes—is supported. A runtime that doesn't support asynchronous mode cannot be used to publish a workflow containing blocks that can only run in that mode, like for example splitters or the Switch operator.
    • The basic URI, that is the first part of the URL of every API endpoint for the workflows published in the runtime.
    • Core features of the runtime. They are software, hardware and network capabilities of the runtime.
      A workflow is compatible with a runtime, and thus it can published in it, only if the runtime has all the required core featuers.
      For example, a block of the URL Converter processor needs access to the Web resource that it is required to download and process, so a workflow including that block can run only in a runtime that provides that network connectivity. Similarly, a block of the Extract Converter processor can run only if the runtime supports it, which may imply the availability of GPUs.
  • Information of the runtime item, stored in NL Flow:

    • The owner of the runtime item.

The right part of the page lists possible operations on the selected runtime item and other properties:

  • Properties of the runtime that are communicated to NL Flow:

    • The load capacity of the runtime in terms of CPU, memory, number of workflows and number of JavaScript blocks1 and the amount of those resources that are currently allocated to published workflows. Capacity is represented by gray bars.
      Above each bar, the following are shown:

      • The type of resource (for example: CPU, memory)
      • The amount of resource allocated to the totality of the published workflows
      • The configured limit, that is the maximum amount that can be allocated

      Inside the gray bar, darker bars are drawn, from the left, representing:

      • The amount of resource used by published workflows
      • (Only for CPU and memory) In a lighter shade, the amount of resource that have been reserved for asynchronous workflows but are not in use because one or more workflows are currently scaled down
  • Properties of the runtime item, stored in NL Flow:

    • The optional description of the runtime.

  1. This limit applies only to synchronous workflows.