Workflows view
Workflows is the default view of the NL Flow dashboard.
It allows you to create, import, browse, find, open and delete workflows. It also allows uploading previously exported models to use them in workflows.
Create, find and import workflows
To create, find and import workflows use the common toolbar described in the introduction to the dashboard, where you can also find how to switch between dashboard views. To filter workflows based on their name, see below.
Browse workflows
Most recently used workflows are shown in the Quick access strip, all workflows are listed below it. Use the Show card view and Show table view
buttons on the area's toolbar to switch between table view.
To sort the list of workflows:
In table view:
- Sort the list based on the values of a column by selecting the corresponding column header. To switch between ascending and descending order, select the column header repeatedly.
In cards view:
- Choose the desired sorting mode from the drop-down list at the top left of the cards panel.
To switch between the list of all workflows and the list of your workflows, select the All workflows and the Your workflows tabs at the top of the list.
To list only published workflows, check Published workflows at the top of the list.
To filter the list based on the name of the workflow, type in the search box at the top of the list and press Enter
. Only workflows with matching names will be listed. The match is case insensitive.
Select the X icon inside the search box to cancel the filter.
Workflow information
Workflow summary information is displayed inside cards and table rows.
- The Blocks column in table view and the Blocks icon
inside cards shows the number of blocks in the workflow.
- The JS column in table view and the JavaScript blocks icon
inside cards displays the number of JavaScript Interpreter blocks in the workflow.
- The CPU load column in table view and the CPU load icon
inside cards display the number of CPUs or the thousandths of a CPU allocated to the workflow ("m" stands for "milli").
- The Memory load column in table view and the Memory load icon
inside cards display the amount of RAM allocated to the workflow, expressed in mibibytes or gibibytes.
The Published column and the dot at the top right corner inside cards show the publishing status. Colors have the following meaning:
- Gray: not published
- Green: published, meaning that it can be tested interactively and used via the NL Flow API
- Orange: being published in synchronous mode, not yet usable
- Yellow: being published in synchronous mode, but already usable as it was fully published because at least one replica of each block has been instantiated
If a green dot is surrounded by smaller dots it means the workflow has been published in asynchronous mode.
Open a workflow
To open a workflow, select its name.
You can also open a workflow using the search box inside the common toolbar described in the introduction to the dashboard.
The workflow is opened in its workspace, where the default tab is Editor.
Export a workflow
To export a workflow:
- Select the workflow to export.
- Select Export
on the area's toolbar. A pop-up dialog appears.
- If you want to change the default filename, enter a new name in the Filename field.
- Select Download to confirm the operation.
Edit workflow info
To edit the name and the description of a workflow:
In table view:
- Select the workflow row
In cards view:
- Select the workflow card
Select Edit
on the area's toolbar.
- In the dialog, edit the name and the description.
- Select Save workflow.
Unpublish workflows
To unpublish one or more published workflows:
In table view:
- Select the workflows' rows
In cards view:
- Select the workflows' cards
Multiple selection with
is available. -
Select Unpublish
on the area's toolbar.
- In the dialog, select Unpublish to confirm.
You can publish a workflow from the Editor tab of the workflow's workspace or from the Runtime view.
Delete workflows
You can only delete unpublished workflows. To delete one or more workflows:
In table view:
- Select the workflow row
In cards view:
- Select the workflow card
Multiple selection with
is available. -
Select Delete
on the area's toolbar.
To delete pulished workflows, unpublish them first.
Switch to another view
To switch to another view of the dashboard, use the left menu described in the introduction to the dashboard.